from Fatal Passion (1995)
Fatal Passion (1995)
Lisa Comshaw
Lisa Comshaw wearing a blonde wig as she has sex with a guy on the ground while riding him fully nude and grinding on him. Hi-res DVD capture from Fatal Passion.
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Fatal Passion (1995)
Lisa Comshaw
Lisa Comshaw fully nude and in a blonde wig on top of a guy laughing before stabbing him repeatedly and getting covered in blood and then removing her wig to reveal her normal red hair while she gets read to leave. Hi-res DVD capture from Fatal Passion.
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from In with Thieves (2008)
In with Thieves (2008)
Nikoe Sasaki
Nikoe Sasaki removing her pink dress to reveal a strapless black bra and then removing that to reveal her breasts as she dances topless and in a black skirt with black thong panties for a guy until getting mad and leaving. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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In with Thieves (2008)
Jackeline Olivier
Jackeline Olivier removing her blue dress while dancing for a guy to reveal her breasts and panties and then climbing on top of him and kissing him until they get interrupted by Arnita Champion causing the guy to escort Jackeline past Arnita and up some stairs all while in black thong panties. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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In with Thieves (2008)
Arnita Champion
Arnita Champion kissing a guy up against a door as he lowers her dress and pulls off her purple bra to reveal her right breast before he picks her up and leans her against the door and grinds on her while they kiss some more. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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In with Thieves (2008)
Arnita Champion
Arnita Champion removing her dress to reveal a pink bra and pink thong panties and then talking with a guy before he grabs her ass and kisses her until they stop and talk some more all with her right areola sticking out a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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In with Thieves (2008)
Jennifer Day
Jennifer Day lying on a bed in pink panties and a green top as the scene fades in from some other stuff before she rolls onto her back and then finally over onto her side. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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In with Thieves (2008)
Jennifer Day
Jennifer Day walking into a room in a black bra and pink panties and then bending over to pick some clothes up giving us a better look at her ass all while a guy talks on the phone. Hi-res DVD capture from In with Thieves.
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from Serenades (2001)
Serenades (2001)
Franchesca Cubillo
Franchesca Cubillo lying on her back outside on a cliff having sex with a guy on her back causing her breasts to bounce around. Hi-res DVD capture from Serenades.