from 10 (1979)
10 (1979)
Bo Derek
Bo Derek in a sexy gold swimsuit as she lies on the sand at a beach and then runs in slow motion towards a guy, her breasts bouncing in the process. We then get a close view of Bo as she walks back to her spot on the beach, showing some pokey nipples in her bathing suit. From 10.
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10 (1979)
Bo Derek
Bo Derek answering the door naked with a towel held in front of her, revealing her bare butt from the side. She then walks into a bathroom, dropping the towel to first show her butt in full view this time, and then showing breasts in the bathroom mirror reflection. From 10.
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10 (1979)
Bo Derek
Bo Derek pulling her dress over her head to go nude, showing her breasts as she walks toward a guy who is sitting on a sofa. We then see the couple in bed, Bo showing breasts again as she lies on her back and they have sex, Bo eventually ending up on top and riding the guy. From 10.
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10 (1979)
Constance Money
The Opening of Misty Beethoven star Constance Money seen topless while playing pool with a guy, and then seen emerging completely nude from a swimming pool, and finally seen topless while riding a guy. From 10.
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10 (1979)
Dorothy Le May
Dorothy Le May (on the left) and another topless girl flanking a guy as they walk around a party, as well as footage of a group of unknown girls in various stages of undress at the party. Annette Haven can be seen just to the left of the guy in the beginning sequence where he is surrounded by girls, Dorothy on his right. From 10.
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from Corps à corps (2003)
Corps à corps (2003)
Emmanuelle Seigner
Emmanuelle Seigner fully nude in a shower, seen from above with her breasts in view as she stands with one hand against the shower wall. A guy then enters the stall with her and she turns to leave. Hi-res DVD capture from Corps à corps.
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Corps à corps (2003)
Emmanuelle Seigner
Emmanuelle Seigner ripping open her dress to expose her breasts to a guy behind a desk before she is escorted out of the room. Hi-res DVD capture from Corps à corps.
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Corps à corps (2003)
Emmanuelle Seigner
Emmanuelle Seigner giving a good look at her breasts when lying on her back under a guy as they have sex in bed, the guy holding himself up by his arms and then putting a hand on Emmanuelle's mouth. Hi-res DVD capture from Corps à corps.
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