from Satan's Baby Doll (1982)
Satan's Baby Doll (1982)
Mariangela Giordano
Mariangela Giordano dressed as a nun in a white habit as she washes a guy's penis while he lies on a table and fantasizes about her lying on a bed in an opened robe playing with herself. Hi-res DVD capture from Satan's Baby Doll (AKA La bimba di Satana).
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Satan's Baby Doll (1982)
Marina Hedman
Marina Hedman having Mariangela Giordano whip a white sheet away to reveal her fully nude body as she lies on a concrete slab before Mariangela removes her white dress and climbs naked on top of Marina as they embrace all while Jacqueline Dupré watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Satan's Baby Doll (AKA La bimba di Satana).
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from Streetwalkin' (1985)
Streetwalkin' (1985)
Melissa Leo
Melissa Leo seen in a mirror lowering her shirt to reveal her breasts to a guy and then sitting down on a bed before he walks over and starts kissing her. From Streetwalkin'.
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from MILF (2010)
MILF (2010)
Diana Terranova
Diana Terranova nude and in a kiddie pool covered in chocolate as she sprays whipped cream on her breasts and onto a guy while having sex and riding him before she flips over and has sex with him from behind. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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MILF (2010)
Tammy Klein
Tammy Klein sitting behind a guy and removing her brown shirt to reveal her very large breasts before leaning past him and blowing out some candles. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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MILF (2010)
Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley (right) grabbing an unknown girl (left) and lesbian kissing her at a party all while a guy stands in between them watching until eventually they slide towards the floor. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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MILF (2010)
Amy Lindsay
Amy Lindsay seen through some glass balcony doors removing her dress to reveal her breasts and panties all while a guy watches while hiding below until he accidentally triggers a light and runs off. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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MILF (2010)
Molinee Green
Molinee Green pouring a bottle of water over her face and letting the water run down her sports bra and bare stomach as she runs her hand over her breasts all during a fantasy sequence. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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MILF (2010)
Molinee Green
Molinee Green standing in a kitchen wearing a pink tanktop with no bra and hard nipples as she talks with a guy for awhile before walking past him. Hi-res DVD capture from MILF.
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