from Perfect Sense (2011)
Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Dark Shadows star Eva Green making out with a guy as they walk into an apartment and end up on the bed together. We see Eva strip down to her bra and then we see her topless on her back next to the guy as he leans over to rest his head on her shoulder. Hi-res DVD capture from Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Eva Green naked on her back, showing bare breasts as she makes out with a guy and then has sex with him. We also see her on top of the guy for a bit, showing her bare butt. Hi-res DVD capture from Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
A short scene of Eva Green naked in a guy's arms as they make out facing each other in bed, her left breast visible. Hi-res DVD capture from Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Eva Green sitting in a bath tub facing a guy with her breasts visible as she gives the guy a shave and then they begin laughing after taking a bite of soap. Hi-res DVD capture from Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Lauren Tempany
Lauren Tempany asleep in bed when a guy wakes up next to her and rolls over to wake her. She then turns around, lying on her back with her breasts in view for a while before she gets out of bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Perfect Sense.
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from The Slap (2011)
The Slap (2011)
Melissa George
Melissa George naked in a bath tub, showing bare breasts above the water while reclining against the back of the tub. A guy then enters the room and Melissa gets out of the tub, showing plenty more of her breasts as she stands in front of a mirror with a towel wrapped around her waist. From The Slap.
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from Tanner Hall (2009)
Tanner Hall (2009)
Brie Larson
Brie Larson sitting on the floor of a shower in a girl's shower room, wrapped in a towel that barely covers her breasts. A guy kneels down in front of her and slides his hands up her leg and almost under her towel as she arches her back and almost lets her breasts come free. A few other girls are seen topless and naked in the beginning of the scene as the guy looks for Brie's stall. From Tanner Hall.
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Tanner Hall (2009)
Brie Larson
Brie Larson topless and wet as she stands on a road in the rain in a guy's fantasy. We very briefly see her left nipple flash into view when she slides her hand up her breast. From Tanner Hall.
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Tanner Hall (2009)
Rooney Mara
Rooney Mara of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fame making out with a guy on a couch as she and the guy undress each other. Rooney ends up in her bra as she lays back and continues to kiss the guy. Eventually, he moves down and slides her pants off. From Tanner Hall.
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