from Perfect Sense (2011)
Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Dark Shadows star Eva Green making out with a guy as they walk into an apartment and end up on the bed together. We see Eva strip down to her bra and then we see her topless on her back next to the guy as he leans over to rest his head on her shoulder. From Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Eva Green naked on her back, showing bare breasts as she makes out with a guy and then has sex with him. We also see her on top of the guy for a bit, showing her bare butt. From Perfect Sense.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
A short scene of Eva Green naked in a guy's arms as they make out facing each other in bed, her left breast visible. From Perfect Sense.
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from L'exercice de l'Etat (2011)
L'exercice de l'Etat (2011)
Brigitte Lo Cicero
Brigitte Lo Cicero walking into a room completely naked, showing full-frontal nudity as she walks past a desk and looks at a crocodile in the corner of the room. She then stops, turning around to show her bare butt, and sits down on the floor, spreading her legs with her knees up. The crocodile then opens his mouth wide and Brigitte crawls across the floor, climbing into his mouth. From L'exercice de l'Etat.
0:37 - 12.84 MB - 1280x544 px March 7th, 2012 @ 9:58 am Brigitte Lo Cicero - L'exercice de l'Etat.mp4
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from Now & Later (2011)
Now & Later (2011)
Shari Solanis
Shari Solanis naked on a mattress on the floor with one guy as another guy enters the room and sits down beside them. Shari kisses both guys. She goes down on the first guy and tries to encourage the other guy to join in, but he leaves instead. From Now & Later.
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from You and I (2011)
You and I (2011)
Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton and Shantel VanSanten lying on a circular bed together, Mischa in a pair of pink panties and a tank top, Shantel in a sexy bra and thong panties. The girls lie next to each other and then Shantel leans in to lesbian kiss Mischa before kissing down her stomach. Hi-res DVD capture from You and I.
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You and I (2011)
Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton wearing nothing but a partially-buttoned over-sized shirt as she runs down a hallway and opens a door, standing outside briefly. As she runs, her left breast bounces free of her shirt for a quick glimpse. Hi-res DVD capture from You and I.
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You and I (2011)
Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton pulling her shirt off in front of a mirror to reveal a yellow bra and some nice cleavage, looking at herself in the mirror and reaching to pick up a phone. Hi-res DVD capture from You and I.
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You and I (2011)
Shantel VanSanten
Shantel VanSanten of One Tree Hill fame lying naked on a bed with her left butt-cheek in view, and then seen again in a similar pose in a bath tub, her arm crossed across her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from You and I.
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