from Death Race: Inferno (2013)
Death Race: Inferno (2013)
Tanit Phoenix
Tanit Phoenix fully nude as she showers, showing her bare butt from behind and then her breasts as she turns to look over her shoulder. From Death Race: Inferno (AKA Death Race 3: Inferno).
0:28 - 9.86 MB - 1280x720 px January 16th, 2013 @ 6:24 pm Tanit Phoenix - Death Race Inferno - 1.mp4
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Death Race: Inferno (2013)
Tanit Phoenix
Tanit Phoenix showing plenty of cleavage when doing sit-ups in a bra on a bed until she walks past a guard. We then see more cleavage in a revealing top as she talks to some guys while walking down a tunnel. From Death Race: Inferno.
Sexy 0:57 - 19.89 MB - 1280x720 px January 16th, 2013 @ 6:23 pm Tanit Phoenix - Death Race Inferno - 2.mp4More [+]

from Girls (2012)
Girls (2012)
Lena Dunham
Lena Dunham showing bare breasts while riding a guy in his lap on a couch, giving us a topless view from the side as she has sex with him. From Girls.
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Girls (2012)
Lena Dunham
Lena Dunham pulling her dress over her head to reveal thong panties, then taking her bra off and turning to the side to show her right breast before walking over to a bed and flopping down on her back. From Girls.
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Girls (2012)
Allison Williams
Allison Williams making out with a guy on a sofa as he helps her undress, first revealing a blue bra. He then reaches behind her and unhooks the bra, her hair covering her breasts as she goes topless. She then lays back and the guy lies on top of her, having sex with her as she makes every effort to keep her nipples hidden by her hair, elbows, or dress. From Girls.
Sexy 2:09 - 44.73 MB - 1280x720 px January 16th, 2013 @ 6:19 pm Allison Williams - Girls - S02E01.mp4More [+]

from Banshee (2013)
Banshee (2013)
Ivana Milicevic
Ivana Milicevic lying naked on her back on a bed as a guy holds her by her hips and goes down on her. We also see flashback views of Ivana having sex with the guy on a bed, lying underneath him and showing her breasts again. From Banshee.
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Banshee (2013)
Wendy Michelle
Wendy Michelle wearing a see-through shirt with no bra underneath that reveals pokey nipples as she tends bar and looks over at a guy who is having a drink. We then see her having sex with the guy in the bar stock room, pulling her shirt over her head to reveal her breasts, which the guy cups in his hands. From Banshee.
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from Bucktown (1975)
Bucktown (1975)
Pam Grier
Pam Grier lying on her back as a guy lowers her dress slowly to expose her left breast before making out with her, her nipple coming into view a few more times. From Bucktown.
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