from Sex Tapes (2012)
Sex Tapes (2012)
Charmane Star
Charmane Star having a guy remove her top and jeans skirt to reveal a white bra and white panties as he kisses her and her body and then making out with her on the bed and removing the bra to reveal her breasts before she pulls his pants down and goes down on him. From Sex Tapes. Part 1 of 2.
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Sex Tapes (2012)
Charmane Star
Charmane Star fully nude as she has sex with a guy while riding him forwards and then riding him in reverse before rolling over onto her side and continuing to have sex with him. From Sex Tapes. Part 2 of 2.
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from Three Kings (1999)
Three Kings (1999)
Judy Greer
Judy Greer of Archer fame bouncing up and down having hard sex with a guy while sitting in his lap in a chair before they knock down the stuff on the desk and fall on the ground leaving her breathing heavily in a white bra and panties. From Three Kings.
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from 3 Musketeers (2011)
3 Musketeers (2011)
Michele Boyd
Michele Boyd walking into a conference room in a red bra and skimpy lacey red panties while holding a gun and talking with some guys. From 3 Musketeers.
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from Groupie (2010)
Groupie (2010)
Betsy Rue
Betsy Rue wearing a black flowered bikini top and short blue shorts as she walks up to Taryn Manning and spills her drink on her before watching Taryn leave and then sitting down with a guy before getting up and leaving all as Maja Miletich and Nicole Moore play around in the background in bikinis. From Groupie.
Sexy 0:26 - 8.89 MB - 1280x720 px February 24th, 2013 @ 4:10 pm Taryn Manning, Maja Miletich, Betsy Rue & Nicole Moore - Groupie - 2.mp4More [+]

from Bikini Spring Break (2012)
Bikini Spring Break (2012)
Barrett Perlman
Barrett Perlman and Samantha Stewart jello wrestling and having their tops removed to reveal their breasts before Samantha repeatedly throws Barret into the side of a blow up pool all during some behind the scenes footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Bikini Spring Break.
0:08 - 2.00 MB - 720x400 px February 24th, 2013 @ 4:07 pm BarrettPerlman&SamanthaStewart@BikiniSpringBreak-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpg
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Bikini Spring Break (2012)
Vanessa Sheri
Vanessa Sheri (left) and Bonnie Grinberg (center) in wet white t-shirts that show their nipples a bit and bikini bottoms as some guys bring Rachel Alig out in front of them and then pour a bucket of water on her all during some behind the scenes footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Bikini Spring Break.
0:13 - 3.26 MB - 720x400 px February 24th, 2013 @ 4:05 pm VanessaSheri,BonnieGrinberg&RachelAlig@BikiniSpringBreak-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpg
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