from Strike Back (2010)
Strike Back (2010)
Michelle Lukes
Michelle Lukes laying back in bed as a guy undresses her, giving us a look at her bare breasts as she then has sex with the guy, alternately on her back and on all fours with the guy behind her. We then see Michelle lying naked in the guy's arms afterward. From Strike Back.
1:24 - 29.20 MB - 1280x720 px October 21st, 2013 @ 1:17 pm Michelle Lukes - Strike Back - S04E10.mp4
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from Boardwalk Empire (2010)
Boardwalk Empire (2010)
Margot Bingham
Margot Bingham naked on top of a guy as they have sex in bed, showing both breasts as well as her butt from the side. We then see more breasts from Margot as she talks to the guy afterward, before finally getting out of bed and giving us a nice view of her bare butt before she puts on a nightie. From Boardwalk Empire.
2:31 - 52.29 MB - 1280x720 px October 21st, 2013 @ 1:15 pm Margot Bingham - Boardwalk Empire - S04E07.mp4
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Boardwalk Empire (2010)
Kayla Ferguson
Kayla Ferguson reclining topless in bed as she talks to a guy and then sits up to take a drag on a cigarette. She then lays down next to the guy for a bit before he gets up and begins to get dressed, leaving Kayla in bed. From Boardwalk Empire.
1:35 - 32.94 MB - 1280x720 px October 21st, 2013 @ 1:13 pm Kayla Ferguson - Boardwalk Empire - S04E07.mp4
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from Wild Cherry (2009)
Wild Cherry (2009)
Tania Raymonde
Tania Raymonde attempting to masturbate, first sitting in bed using a vibrator. She then heads into a bathroom and tries a detachable shower head instead, but gives up after a while. We then see her walk into a kitchen and wash off a carrot before sitting on the kitchen island and trying that out. She then gives up on the carrot and goes into a laundry room, where she sits on top of a washing machine, but that moves around too much. Lastly, we see her bare butt briefly as she rushes up some stairs while pulling her pants back up. From Wild Cherry.
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Wild Cherry (2009)
Rumer Willis
Rumer Willis showing cleavage in a black bikini top as she leads a blindfolded guy into a swimming pool and stands him under a fountain. Kristin Cavallari and Tania Raymonde then do the same with two other guys, Kristin showing cleavage in a pink bikini top with a low-cut cover-up over it. The three girls are then seen looking down at the guys from a walkway above the pool. From Wild Cherry.
Sexy 0:27 - 9.43 MB - 1280x720 px October 21st, 2013 @ 1:03 pm Rumer Willis & Kristin Cavallari & Tania Raymonde - Wild Cherry.mp4More [+]