from Charlie Countryman (2013)
Charlie Countryman (2013)
Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood of The Ides of March fame making out with a guy as he unbuttons her top, exposing her breasts and leaning over to lick her right nipple. He then lays her back nude on a bed and they have sex, showing more of her breasts as she puts her legs up around him. From Charlie Countryman (AKA The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman).
0:41 - 14.13 MB - 1280x720 px January 8th, 2014 @ 11:03 am Evan Rachel Wood - Charlie Countryman.mp4
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Charlie Countryman (2013)
A number of unknown naked girls seen behind some guys as they talk to each other. One of the guys hallucinates, imagining the girls nude and then walking down a hallway with naked girls walking past him in slow motion. From Charlie Countryman.
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from Two and a Half Men (2003)
Two and a Half Men (2003)
Aly Michalka
Aly Michalka showing some stunning cleavage in a green bra and panties combo as she emerges from under the sheets while in bed with Amber Tamblyn. She then climbs out from the foot of the bed and lays back down next to Amber, leaning over to lesbian kiss her with her cleavage still on display. After talking to Amber for a bit, Aly jumps back out of bed in her underwear and leaves the room. From Two and a Half Men.
Sexy 1:19 - 27.30 MB - 1280x718 px January 8th, 2014 @ 10:58 am Aly Michalka & Amber Tamblyn - Two and a Half Men - S11E11.mp4More [+]

from Mata Hari (1985)
Mata Hari (1985)
Sylvia Kristel
Sylvia Kristel having sex with a guy on her back in some hay in a barn, showing bare breasts as the guy lies on top of her. From Mata Hari.
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Mata Hari (1985)
Sylvia Kristel
Sylvia Kristel seen naked in some flashbacks of her topless and sex scenes with a guy in alternate footage of previous scenes. From Mata Hari.
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from Shameless (2011)
Shameless (2011)
Isidora Goreshter
Isidora Goreshter pulling her purple dress over her head to go naked, showing her bare butt from behind as she stands in front of a beat-up guy who is sitting on a couch. She then pulls his pants down and climbs into his lap, having sex with him as we also see her bare breasts. Another guy watches as the first guy picks Isidora up and turns her onto her back as he continues to have sex with her on the sofa. From Shameless. Updated to higher quality.
0:42 - 14.42 MB - 1280x720 px January 8th, 2014 @ 10:55 am Isidora Goreshter - Shameless - S03E06 - VOD.mp4
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Shameless (2011)
Emmy Rossum
Emmy Rossum lying on her back on a bed as a guy goes down on her, her left breast in view first. We then get a full topless view when she sits up after the guy stops. From Shameless. Updated to higher quality.
0:44 - 15.31 MB - 1280x720 px January 8th, 2014 @ 10:54 am Emmy Rossum - Shameless - S03E05 - VOD.mp4
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