from Buttwhistle (2014)
Buttwhistle (2014)
Elizabeth Rice
Elizabeth Rice topless as she lowers herself into a bathtub where a guy is sitting and Analeigh Tipton is behind him. Elizabeth's soapy breasts come into view as she climbs into the guy's lap and begins to have sex with him as Analeigh looks on. From Buttwhistle.
0:47 - 16.44 MB - 1280x720 px April 30th, 2014 @ 9:35 pm Elizabeth Rice & Analeigh Tipton - Buttwhistle - 2.mp4
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Buttwhistle (2014)
Elizabeth Rice
Elizabeth Rice of Mad Men and From Within fame straddling a guy while wearing an unbuttoned shirt as Analeigh Tipton guides the guy's hand up her shirt and onto her breast. Elizabeth then removes her shirt and we see her bare breasts before she leans over makes out with the guy. From Buttwhistle.
0:54 - 18.65 MB - 1280x720 px April 30th, 2014 @ 9:33 pm Elizabeth Rice & Analeigh Tipton - Buttwhistle - 1.mp4
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from Deadwood (2004)
Deadwood (2004)
Robin Weigert
Robin Weigert undressing beside a bath tub, first showing her bare butt as she stands naked and lowers herself into the tub. She then stops and stands back up, turning to the side to also show her bush before she once again lowers herself, this time all the way into the water. From Deadwood.
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Deadwood (2004)
Ashleigh Kizer
Ashleigh Kizer showing bare breasts as she kneels in front of a guy at his desk and he pulls her up and pauses her a couple times while she gives him a blowjob and he monologues. From Deadwood.
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Deadwood (2004)
Sarah Paulson
Sarah Paulson of 12 Years a Slave fame lying in bed talking to a guy, her left nipple visible. From Deadwood.
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from Da Vinci's Demons (2013)
Da Vinci's Demons (2013)
Carolina Guerra
Carolina Guerra peeling off her bikini-style top and skirt to show full-frontal nudity as a guy lies on the floor and watches her. We then see her bare butt as she walks toward the guy and climbs into his lap to have sex with him. We then get one last full-frontal view of her as she swings her leg over to climb off the guy afterward. From Da Vinci's Demons.
1:32 - 32.01 MB - 1280x720 px April 30th, 2014 @ 9:26 pm Carolina Guerra - Da Vincis Demons - S02E06.mp4
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from Her (2013)
Her (2013)
May Lindstrom
May Lindstrom kneeling naked and pregnant on a sofa and then turning to face the camera as she steps to the floor. She shows full-frontal nudity with her breasts and bush in view. We then see a guy's hands as they reach out to touch her breasts and then some close-ups of her face as the guy fantasizes about having sex with her. From Her.
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from The Story of O (1975)
The Story of O (1975)
Corinne Cléry
Corinne Cléry having a guy unbutton her top and run his hands over her breasts before he leans over to kiss one of them. He then turns Corinne around and bends her over a table where another guy is sitting. The first guy hikes up her dress to expose her butt and he runs his hands over it before beginning to have sex with her from behind. From The Story of O.
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The Story of O (1975)
Corinne Cléry
Corinne Cléry sitting in bed as a guy joins her and she lowers her nightie so the guy can run his fingers down her bare back toward her butt. He then kisses her and we see her breasts and bush as she and the guy have sex, rolling around on the bed before she ends up on top of him. From The Story of O.
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The Story of O (1975)
Sylvie Olivier
Sylvia Olivier pulling up her dress to show a ring between her legs to Corinne Cléry, giving us a close-up view of her bush before she drops the dress back down. From The Story of O (AKA Histoire d'O).
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