from The Scribbler (2014)
The Scribbler (2014)
Katie Cassidy
Katie Cassidy of Arrow fame showing bare breasts with a nipple ring on her right breast in a sex scene with a guy, shown in a number of positions in a topless montage. From The Scribbler.
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The Scribbler (2014)
Ashlynn Yennie
Ashlynn Yennie completely naked as she pushes Katie Cassidy through a door, talks to her briefly, and then goes back through the door herself, closing it behind her. Ashlynn shows her bare butt and breasts in the process. From The Scribbler.
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The Scribbler (2014)
Ashlynn Yennie
Ashlynn Yennie stepping into a hallway naked and walking down toward some elevators, where Katie Cassidy is waiting. Ashlynn shows breasts and butt as she talks to Katie for a bit, all while wearing nothing. From The Scribbler.
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from Horns (2013)
Horns (2013)
Juno Temple
Juno Temple dancing in a sheer pink dress before a guy approaches her and lifts it over her head so that Juno goes naked. We see her bare butt as she walks backward with a guy in a treehouse and then her right breast as well when she has sex with the guy against a tree branch. From Horns.
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Horns (2013)
Kendra Anderson
Kendra Anderson playing a nurse who is having sex with a doctor on a stool, her bra pulled down and the doctor's hand squeezing her left breast as we see the other one exposed as she rides the doctor in his lap and a patient on a table wakes up next to them. From Horns.
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from Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba doing a suggestive sexy dance on stage at a bar, wearing a bra along with panties and mesh stockings, thrusting her hips as she crawls and rolls around before standing up and shaking her butt while reaching her hands back between her legs. She the goes back stage and is seen in the same bra as she cuts her cheek with a broken mirror fragment as a guy talks to her. From Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.
Sexy 1:40 - 34.94 MB - 1280x692 px October 4th, 2014 @ 8:46 am Jessica Alba - Sin City A Dame to Kill For - 6.mp4More [+]
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
Rosario Dawson
Rosario Dawson wearing a skimpy black leather bustier-style top that shows lots of cleavage as she talks to a guy who is lying in a bed. From Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.
Sexy 0:46 - 16.02 MB - 1280x692 px October 4th, 2014 @ 8:44 am Rosario Dawson - Sin City A Dame to Kill For.mp4More [+]

from Welcome to New York (2014)
Welcome to New York (2014)
Emmanuelle Vill
Emmanuelle Vill kissing a guy as they make their way toward a bed. They pause near a sofa, where we see Emanuelle topless as the guy pulls her skirt and panties off, giving us a look at her bare butt from behind. We then see more of her breasts as she is seen in bed with the guy, on top of him as they begin to have sex. From Welcome to New York.
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Welcome to New York (2014)
Shanyn Leigh
Shanyn Leigh having a guy pull off her shirt as she tries to leave, the guy then attempting to pull off her bra, exposing her left breast. Shanyn then gets away after the guy partially pulls down her jeans, revealing the top half of her butt before she she escapes down a stairway. From Welcome to New York.
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