from Banshee (2013)
Banshee (2013)
Ivana Milicevic
Ivana Milicevic showing bare breasts and butt in a sex scene with a guy in which we see him having sex with her from behind, sometimes with Ivana kneeling in front of him and sometimes with her face down on the bed. We then see them finish with Ivana on her back and the guy on top. Afterward, Ivana lies on her side and we see her right breast as she moves her arm while talking to the guy. From Banshee.
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Banshee (2013)
Lili Simmons
Lili Simmons sitting up in bed and showing her breasts as she sheets slip down to reveal her topless. She then disappears from view when she slides off the bed and walks away. From Banshee.
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Banshee (2013)
Tanya Clarke
Tanya Clarke showing bare breasts as she climbs into a guy's lap on a sofa while wearing a black thong. The guy then rolls her onto the floor and pulls her panties down before having aggressive sex with her, her breasts bouncing as she wraps her legs around him. From Banshee.
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from La montaña rusa (2012)
La montaña rusa (2012)
Maria Lapiedra
Maria Lapiedra stepping naked onto a stage at a club, showing her butt and breasts before putting on a live sex show with a guy for the audience. We see the guy having sex with her from behind, causing her butt to bounce, as Verónica Sánchez watches. We then get a quick full-frontal view of Maria as she waves while exiting the stage afterward. From La montaña rusa.
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La montaña rusa (2012)
Verónica Sánchez
Verónica Sánchez sleeping uncovered on a bed in a bra and panties as a guy pulls off her stockings and places the covers over her as she remains asleep. We then see her waking up the next morning, showing cleavage in her bra as she notices the guy taking a shower and picks her things to make an unnoticed exit. From La montaña rusa.
Sexy 1:37 - 33.68 MB - 1280x692 px January 11th, 2015 @ 5:47 am Veronica Sanchez - La montana rusa - 1.mp4More [+]

from The Wire (2002)
The Wire (2002)
Brandy Burre
Brandy Burre making out with a guy and undressing, having the guy pull her bra straps off her shoulders and just about having her breasts spill out as she straddles him on a bed and leans over to kiss him. We then see some more of Brandy in her bra as she sits up in bed next to the guy. From The Wire (remastered in HD).
Sexy 1:18 - 27.06 MB - 1280x718 px January 11th, 2015 @ 5:44 am Brandy Burre - The Wire - HD - S03E05.mp4More [+]
The Wire (2002)
A number of unknown girls getting caught in a police sting of a prostitution operation at a hotel suite, first lining up in some lingerie as a guy makes his selection. We then see two of the girls joining the guy in bed, showing their large breasts as one girl leans over him and the other shows her butt in thong panties as she goes down on him. Meanwhile, police enter the suite and bust the other girls before we see the guy again, now with one of the girls naked and straddling him, and the other girl lying naked next to him. From The Wire (remastered in HD).
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The Wire (2002)
Lisa Bullock
Lisa Bullock playing a waitress who has sex with a guy in bed after meeting him at a diner, riding the guy hard while we see her bare butt and breasts. From The Wire (remastered in HD).
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from 4 Nights in the Hamptons (2014)
4 Nights in the Hamptons (2014)
Kathleen Wise
Kathleen Wise showing full nudity in a shower, her breasts and bush visible as a guy steps into the room to talk to her. Kathleen turns to the side to show her butt, too, as she washes under the shower head. From 4 Nights in the Hamptons.
1:43 - 35.86 MB - 1280x714 px January 11th, 2015 @ 5:36 am Kathleen Wise - 4 Nights in the Hamptons - 2.mp4
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4 Nights in the Hamptons (2014)
Kathleen Wise
Kathleen Wise showing her bare butt as well as her right breast as she stands naked in a shower and slowly turns before she notices a guy in the room watching her. She then lets the guy join her and they make out against the tiled wall of the shower. From 4 Nights in the Hamptons.
1:56 - 40.22 MB - 1280x714 px January 11th, 2015 @ 5:33 am Kathleen Wise - 4 Nights in the Hamptons - 3.mp4
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4 Nights in the Hamptons (2014)
Monique Zordan
Monique Zordan seen from a balcony above a swimming pool at night as she goes skinny-dipping with a guy, showing her breasts as she swims naked and the guy horses around, lifting her up out of the water. From 4 Nights in the Hamptons.
0:11 - 4.36 MB - 1280x714 px January 11th, 2015 @ 5:30 am Monique Zordan - 4 Nights in the Hamptons - 2.mp4
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