from Crimes of Passion (1984)
Crimes of Passion (1984)
Kathleen Turner
Kathleen Turner wearing a gold dress that a guy removes to reveal her breasts and pointy nipples, which he kisses before she ends up on top of him. She then removes her panties and puts her high heel on his chest so that he can remove her stockings. Part 1 of 2 of a sex scene. From the director's cut of Crimes of Passion.
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Crimes of Passion (1984)
Kathleen Turner
Kathleen Turner seen in silhouette as she has sex with a guy in many different positions before we end up seeing her topless underneath the guy. Part 2 of 2 of a sex scene. From the director's cut of Crimes of Passion.
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Crimes of Passion (1984)
Kathleen Turner
Kathleen Turner sitting in the back seat of a limo in a blue dress, seated between a guy and a woman. The guy then leans over and pulls down Kathleen's dress to expose her right breast, which he puts his head down to suck on before kissing Kathleen's face. From the director's cut of Crimes of Passion.
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Crimes of Passion (1984)
Janice Renney
Janice Renney naked in a peep show booth as some guys watch her dancing and spinning around to show both her breasts and butt. One of the guys then briefly imagines her lying on her stomach with a pool of blood under her. From the director's cut of Crimes of Passion.
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from Éperdument (2016)
Éperdument (2016)
Stéphanie Cléau
Stéphanie Cléau showing full-frontal nudity as she walks toward a guy in a kitchen, her breasts and bush in view before she gets close to him and he hugs her. From Éperdument (AKA Down by Love).
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from Animal Kingdom (2016)
Animal Kingdom (2016)
Suteara Vaughn
Suteara Vaughn lying on her back underneath a guy as they have sex on a bed, and then showing her bare butt and some cleavage while on her stomach afterward, watching the guy as he walks past the bed. From Animal Kingdom.
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from Beautiful (2009)
Beautiful (2009)
Tahyna Tozzi
Tahyna Tozzi reclining on a lounger outside in a red swimsuit, showing pokey nipples as we get a close-up view of her body while a sprinkler sprays her with water and a guy takes some pictures of her from next door. She shows off her body some more after noticing the guy. From Beautiful.
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Beautiful (2009)
Tahyna Tozzi
Tahyna Tozzi in some tight blue panty shorts and a cropped baby tee shirt as she spins around looking at her body in a reflection while a guy peeks in through a window to watch her. From Beautiful.
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Beautiful (2009)
Kristi-Lee Kalendra
Kristi-Lee Kalendra showing bare breasts while doing some ironing topless. From Beautiful.

from The Big Short (2015)
The Big Short (2015)
Heighlen Boyd
Heighlen Boyd playing a stripper who shows breasts while dancing for a guy in a private room while discussing mortgages as he sits on a sofa in front of her. From The Big Short.