from Desperado (1995)
Desperado (1995)
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek going nude in a sex scene with a guy sitting in his lap and facing him as we get a look at her right breast before she ends up on her back with her left breast now in view. We then see her bare butt as the guy rolls a spur down and over it. Salma then gives us a couple more shots of her bare breasts while backwards in the guy's lap. From Desperado. Updated to higher quality.
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Desperado (1995)
Angel Aviles
Angel Aviles wearing a black bra, thong panties and chaps as she rides a guy in bed. After they have sex, Angel rolls off beside him and he blows cigar smoke in her face, causing her to leave the room. From Desperado. Updated to higher quality.

from The Mist (2017)
The Mist (2017)
Alyssa Sutherland
Alyssa Sutherland of Vikings fame lying on her back underneath a guy as they have sex in bed, his arm blocking the view of her breast from the side. After he finishes, he moves down slightly and we get a good view of most of her breasts sans nipples. From The Mist.
Sexy 1:08 - 41.74 MB - 1920x1080 px July 27th, 2017 @ 8:23 pm Alyssa Sutherland - The Mist - S01E05 - 1.mp4More [+]
The Mist (2017)
Alyssa Sutherland
Alyssa Sutherland lying on her side naked in bed, showing cleavage as she has her arms folded in front of her while talking to a guy who is in bed next to her. After a while, she stands up and shows some side boob from behind as she puts on a shirt. From The Mist.
Sexy 0:47 - 24.31 MB - 1920x1080 px July 27th, 2017 @ 8:20 pm Alyssa Sutherland - The Mist - S01E05 - 2.mp4More [+]

from The Lovers (2017)
The Lovers (2017)
Debra Winger
Debra Winger lying on her side in bed facing a guy, the covers pulled up to partially cover her breasts. After the guy gets out of bed, she sits up and shows some more cleavage. From The Lovers.
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The Lovers (2017)
Debra Winger
Debra Winger seen naked from the side while on top of a guy as they have sex on a sofa. We then see her lying in bed as a guy has sex with her from behind, her nipple flashing into view briefly before the guy covers it up with his hand on her breast. From The Lovers.
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from Animal Kingdom (2016)
Animal Kingdom (2016)
Heather Hopkins
Heather Hopkins seen from above as she swims across a swimming pool while wearing a bra and thong panties. We then get a good look at her butt in the thong when she stands up on the pool steps. From Animal Kingdom.
Sexy 0:28 - 33.96 MB - 1920x1080 px July 27th, 2017 @ 8:14 pm Heather Hopkins - Animal Kingdom - S02E08.mp4More [+]

from The Getaway (1994)
The Getaway (1994)
Jennifer Tilly
Jennifer Tilly lying on her back in bed with a guy, resting her head on his legs as we see a white bra underneath her open pink robe. From The Getaway.
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from Wild Things (1998)
Wild Things (1998)
Denise Richards
Denise Richards washing a car with a hose when a guy walks up to a gate behind her. She turns around to face him, showing her pink bikini top as she sprays the guy with the hose and then turns around to walk away down the driveway in her shorts. From Wild Things.
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