from True Blood (2008)
True Blood (2008)
Anna Paquin
Anna Paquin, known for her role as Rogue in the X-Men movies, in her first ever nude scene as she sits beside a fireplace and a vampire guy lowers her nightie to reveal her breasts. We then see more of her breasts, including a closer, clear view, as the couple has sex on the floor. From True Blood. Updated to higher quality.
1:52 - 115.50 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:52 am Anna Paquin - True Blood - S01E06.mp4
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True Blood (2008)
Danielle James
Danielle James giving us a nice look at her bare ass while lying naked on her stomach in bed next to a guy. From True Blood. Updated to higher quality.
0:08 - 6.69 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:49 am Danielle James - True Blood - S01E06 - 1.mp4
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True Blood (2008)
Danielle James
Danielle James first showing her breasts as she rides a guy in reverse, then seen nude from above as they continue to have sex. From True Blood. Updated to higher quality.
0:25 - 26.06 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:47 am Danielle James - True Blood - S01E06 - 2.mp4
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True Blood (2008)
Lynn Collins
X-Men Origins: Wolverine star Lynn Collins bouncing up and down in bed as a guy has very wild sex with her, her bare breasts in view as she sticks one leg straight up and holds onto his arm. Afterward, we see her right breast as she lies in bed next to him, and then her bare butt as she sits on the edge of the bed and leans over to grab her panties. Standing up, she then pulls the panties on and shows her breasts reflected in the mirror as she pulls on a tank top, finishing with some pokey nipples in the tank top as she puts on a shirt. From True Blood. Updated to higher quality.
1:11 - 77.15 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:45 am Lynn Collins - True Blood - S01E03.mp4
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True Blood (2008)
Danielle Sapia
Danielle Sapia shown topless on a home sex video, Danielle's wrists tied to the ceiling by a rope as the guy has sex with her from behind. The guy wraps his hands around her neck and thinks he has killed her, but as he watches the tape he discovers that she lets herself down after he leaves. From True Blood. Updated to higher quality.
0:33 - 39.88 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:42 am Danielle Sapia - True Blood - S01E02.mp4
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from Paula (2016)
Paula (2016)
Carla Juri
Carla Juri first unbuttoning her dress and pulling it off her shoulders to bare her breasts as a guy stands in front of her and reaches his hand out to place it on her chest. We then see her lying on her side in bed facing the guy, moaning as she and the guy masturbate each other off screen. She continues to show breasts as she moves over next to the guy afterward. From Paula (AKA Paula - Mein Leben soll ein Fest sein).
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Paula (2016)
Carla Juri
Carla Juri pulling her robe off to go topless as she smiles at a guy who is taking a picture of her. She poses with a lemon in one hand and an apple in the other. From Paula.
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Paula (2016)
Carla Juri
Carla Juri standing in front of a mirror topless as she looks at herself and turns to the side to check out her profile. We then see her painting while still topless, and finally sitting at a table, again with her breasts in view. From Paula.
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from Mammal (2016)
Mammal (2016)
Rachel Griffiths
Rachel Griffiths pulling her swimsuit down to go topless, showing both breasts as she leans over slightly to pick up a towel to begin to dry off. From Mammal.
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Mammal (2016)
Rachel Griffiths
Rachel Griffiths reclined in a bath tub showing bare breasts as a guy kneels next to the tub and watches her waking up and then laughing. The guy then undresses and climbs into the water with her and they have sex. From Mammal.
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from Anti Matter (2016)
Anti Matter (2016)
Yaiza Figueroa
Yaiza Figueroa naked on top of a guy in bed, showing the upper portion of her butt first, and then some breasts from the side as she leans over him and then sits up, looking at her reflection in a mirror as she has sex with him. From Anti Matter.

from Ballers (2015)
Ballers (2015)
Elody Gamarra
Elody Gamarra, Marisela De Montecristo, and Khalilah Yasmin sitting on the edge of a hot tub in bikinis, Elody in blue on the right of a guy while Marisela is in pink on the guy's far left and Khalilah is on black next to him. After a while, we see Elody topless. From Ballers.
0:16 - 13.22 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:24 am Elody Gamarra & Marisela De Montecristo & Khalilah Yasmin - Ballers - S03E08.mp4
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from Paradise Club (2016)
Paradise Club (2016)
Elizabeth Rice
Elizabeth Rice in a thong under some sheer fabric pants as she crawls across a floor topless and then looks at her reflection in a mirror, clawing at it with her hands. From Paradise Club.
0:30 - 23.28 MB - 1908x1068 px September 12th, 2017 @ 10:21 am Elizabeth Rice - Paradise Club - 6.mp4
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