from Killer Nun (1979)
Killer Nun (1979)
Paola Morra
Paola Morra lying on her back fully nude on a table, her breasts in view along with her bush briefly as a guy leans over to go down on her while Paola touches her lip and bites her thumb. From Killer Nun (AKA Suor Omicidi).
Killer Nun (1979)
Paola Morra
Anita Ekberg waking up and turning on a lamp as she looks over at Paola Morra in the next bed over, who also turns on a lamp. Paola then shows full-frontal nudity as she stands up and walks over to Anita's bed. The girls then talk for a while before we see more breasts from Paola as she stands holding a phone. From Killer Nun.
1:40 - 95.47 MB - 1890x1022 px August 8th, 2018 @ 8:29 am Paola Morra & Anita Ekberg - Killer Nun - 1.mp4
Killer Nun (1979)
Paola Morra
Paola Morra showing breasts and bush as she stands up naked and walks over to sit down on a bed behind Anita Ekberg, who is holding the covers to her chest. Paola then stands showing side boob with her arms over her chest for a bit before dropping her arms and showing complete nudity from in front and behind as she puts on a stocking. From Killer Nun.
2:03 - 118.94 MB - 1890x1022 px August 8th, 2018 @ 8:26 am Paola Morra & Anita Ekberg - Killer Nun - 2.mp4

from La ardilla roja (1993)
La ardilla roja (1993)
Emma Suárez
Emma Suárez lying on her side asleep in a tent next to a guy when she wakes up topless, most of her left breasts and nipple in view as she talks to him. After a while, we see her showing side boob from behind as she is standing in the tent putting on some clothes. From La ardilla roja (AKA The Red Squirrel).
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La ardilla roja (1993)
Emma Suárez
Emma Suárez seen naked briefly in a shower, first showing her bare butt as the view moves up her body and also reveals some side boob. From La ardilla roja.
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from Cocaine Coast (2018)
Cocaine Coast (2018)
Jana Pérez
Jana Pérez seen naked in a guy's lap facing him on a bed as they have sex and she puts her arms around him. From Cocaine Coast.
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from Sam (2016)
Sam (2016)
Natacha Lindinger
Natcha Lindinger topless on her back on a makeshift bed in an office as a guy rolls off her as they finish having sex, then kisses her as they talk. We then see Natcha standing up and showing her left breast briefly as she puts on a bra before finally putting a shirt on over the bra. From Sam.
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Sam (2016)
Mathilde Seigner
Mathilde Seigner lying on her back topless as a guy kisses his way down her stomach. We then see her rolling around in bed with the guy as they have sex, though no further nudity is shown. From Sam.
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Sam (2016)
Fanny Gilles
Fanny Gilles standing holding a folder to her side as she is then imagined naked, showing both breasts briefly. From Sam.

from Welcome to Curiosity (2018)
Welcome to Curiosity (2018)
Eloise Dale
Eloise Dale shown naked from the side on all fours in a black and white flashback of a sex scene with a guy on a bed. From Welcome to Curiosity.
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