from Elizabeth Harvest (2018)
Elizabeth Harvest (2018)
Abbey Lee
Abbey Lee lying naked on her side at the bottom of a grave, her left breast in view. Carla Gugino is then revealed to be lying behind Abbey with her hand on Abbey's elbow, showing side boob as well as her butt from the side as the camera slowly zooms out from above. From Elizabeth Harvest.
0:15 - 4.33 MB - 1920x800 px August 10th, 2018 @ 8:34 pm Abbey Lee & Carla Gugino - Elizabeth Harvest.mp4
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Elizabeth Harvest (2018)
Abbey Lee
Abbey Lee seen from the side while sitting in bed topless with her arms around her knees, the covers only up to her waist so we get a look at her left breast. From Elizabeth Harvest.
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Elizabeth Harvest (2018)
Carla Gugino
Carla Gugino first emerging naked from a swimming pool in a dark blue-lit room. We then see bare butt in a closer view as Carla lies on a bed in a green-lit room talking to a guy. From Elizabeth Harvest.
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from La novia (2015)
La novia (2015)
Inma Cuesta
Inma Cuesta showing bare breasts briefly as she and a guy have sex in the woods, naked facing him in one part of a montage in which we also see she and the guy having sex up against a tree. From La novia.
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La novia (2015)
Inma Cuesta
Inma Cuesta lying on her back beside a guy with her bra pulled off one breast. She then sits up to face the guy, showing her breast again before we see alternating footage of her talking to the guy and also kissing and ending up having sex with him, showing her breast one more time. From La novia.
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from La ardilla roja (1993)
La ardilla roja (1993)
Emma Suárez
Emma Suárez popping out of the water topless in a lake, showing her breasts above the water briefly and then through the water as she treads water next to a guy. From La ardilla roja.
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La ardilla roja (1993)
Emma Suárez
Emma Suárez lying on her back naked in a tent as a guy sucks on her breast and then makes his way down her back as she rolls over, revealing her butt. From La ardilla roja.
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from Strange Angel (2018)
Strange Angel (2018)
Tamara Feldman
Tamara Feldman (credited as Amara Zaragoza) standing topless during a ritual a guy holds up a ceremonial knife and she licks it while holding a chalice in her hand. From Strange Angel.
0:37 - 32.33 MB - 1920x1012 px August 10th, 2018 @ 8:18 pm Amara Zaragoza - Strange Angel - S01E09.mp4
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from Romina (2018)
Romina (2018)
Francisca Lozano
Francisca Lozano taking her bra off and walking topless in a pair of panties toward a lake. We then see her emerging on the other side, soaking wet as she steps onto the lake shore and then reaches for a towel. From Romina.
Romina (2018)
Francisca Lozano
Francisca Lozano emerging from a tent at night near a campfire, wearing panties as she lifts her shirt off over her head to bare her breasts before crawling back into the tent topless. From Romina.