from My Trip Back to the Dark Side (2014)
My Trip Back to the Dark Side (2014)
Aubrey Addams
Aubrey Addams bent over a kitchen island fully nude having energetic sex with a guy behind her as he grabs her breasts before being seen from the side having sex giving us a look at her bush all as a guy directs her and some other guys walk in realizing it's a porn film shoot only to have one of their cell phones ring causing the director to get angry and cut the scene before the guys talk a bit in the foreground all as Aubrey is still seen sitting topless in a stool with her porn costar in the background. From My Trip Back to the Dark Side.
1:00 - 49.02 MB - 1920x1080 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:49 pm Aubrey Addams - My Trip Back to the Dark Side.mp4
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My Trip Back to the Dark Side (2014)
Christina Arnpriester
Christina Arnpriester on her knees going down on a guy as he holds onto the back of her head with her large breasts pressed up against him before a group of guy interrupt them and Christina turns to talk with them giving us a look at her breasts from the front. From My Trip Back to the Dark Side.
0:05 - 2.58 MB - 1920x1080 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:47 pm Christina Arnpriester - My Trip Back to the Dark Side.mp4
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from Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (2015)
Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (2015)
Céline Sallette
Céline Sallette lying naked on her back as a guy kisses her stomach and left breast and then climbs on top and has sex while on top of her for a while until he finishes and rolls off leaving her still lying there showing her breasts all in a brightened version of a dark scene. From Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (AKA Looking for Her).
0:52 - 30.43 MB - 1912x1032 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:46 pm Celine Sallette - Je vous souhaite d'etre follement aimee - 2.mp4
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Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (2015)
Céline Sallette
Céline Sallette looking at herself in a bathroom mirror as she removes her shirt to reveal her breasts and then turns on the water in a shower before climbing in and wetting down her hair giving us a better look at her breasts in the process. From Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée
0:14 - 5.59 MB - 1912x1032 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:44 pm Celine Sallette - Je vous souhaite d'etre follement aimee - 3.mp4
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Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (2015)
Anne Benoît
Anne Benoît lying on her side showing the top of her ass as another woman walks into the room causing her to roll over exhausted and in pain revealing her right breast. From Je vous souhaite d'être follement aimée (AKA Looking for Her).
0:22 - 12.44 MB - 1912x1032 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:42 pm Anne Benoit - Je vous souhaite d'etre follement aimee - 1.mp4
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from Applecart (2015)
Applecart (2015)
Joni Durian
Joni Durian (brunette) and Haley Madison (blonde wig) both in white masks as they lie on the ground in the living room pretending to lesbian kiss through the masks and then lifting up their tops to reveal their breasts before Joni rubs Haley in between the legs showing her bush and then Haley rubs Joni between the legs showing Joni's bush all while a guy stands by the wall watching and explicitly masturbating for quite a while until Allison Egan walks in and catches him spying on the girls all while the only sound is an audience laughing and cheering and occasional piano music. From the segment titled The Sleepover in the film Applecart.
1:47 - 26.31 MB - 1280x720 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:39 pm Joni Durian, Haley Madison & Allison Egan - Applecart - The Sleepover - 1.mp4
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Applecart (2015)
Haley Madison
Haley Madison fully nude except for a white mask as she's on the ground tied up to a post in an attic as a guy in a mask checks on her and then gets down on his knees and explicitly masturbates for quite some times before he ejaculates all over the floor and then unties her before she puts on some panties and rushes off all while the only sound is an audience laughing and then cheering loudly when he cums. From the segment titled Let Me Show You Something in the film Applecart.
2:09 - 15.47 MB - 1280x720 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:36 pm Haley Madison - Applecart - Let Me Show You Something - 2.mp4
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from Die Nichten der Frau Oberst (1980)
Die Nichten der Frau Oberst (1980)
Brigitte Lahaie
Brigitte Lahaie and a guy both fully nude as she lies back on some hay in a horse stable and has him climb on top and have sex with her and kiss her breasts while she wraps her legs around him and writhes on the ground. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
1:52 - 96.49 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:33 pm Brigitte Lahaie - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 3.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst (1980)
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) sleeping in bed as a naked Brigitte Lahaie walks over and pulls back the covers revealing Pascale's breasts and bush and then lying pressed up against Pascale as she teases Pascale's nipple and kisses it before cuddling with her. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
0:34 - 27.82 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:30 pm Brigitte Lahaie & Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 1.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst (1980)
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital having a guy help her remove her white dress to reveal her fully nude body and then lying back in bed with her legs spread giving us an explicit view before she's seen from below looking up at her as she has sex riding him and bouncing around as he reaches up grabbing her breasts. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
0:42 - 28.38 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:28 pm Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 4.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst (1980)
Karine Gambier
Karine Gambier (credited as Simone Sanson) lying unconscious in a pile of hay in a barn with her white dress around her waist as a guy rushes over to check on her and then starts playing with her breasts and rubbing her vagina before she wakes up and he takes his clothes off and starts kissing her breasts and having sex with her. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
2:27 - 135.31 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:25 pm Karine Gambier - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 07.mp4
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