from Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Cynda Williams
Cynda Williams making out with a guy as the room spins around them, then having sex with him with her legs up over his shoulders. Finally we get a view of her breasts when she bitses the guy on his lip and draws blood, the guy getting up and going into the bathroom as she remains on the sofa talking to him. From Mo' Better Blues.
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Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Cynda Williams
Cynda Williams rolling over in bed as she and a guy have sex. The guy then flops her back against the edge of the bed and we get a good look at her bare breasts bouncing in the process. From Mo' Better Blues.
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Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Cynda Williams
Cynda Williams lying on her back in bed under a guy in a sex scene, her right breast in view. From Mo' Better Blues.
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Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Joie Lee
Joie Lee laying back in bed with a guy, her right breast coming into view as she falls back on the bed. From Mo' Better Blues.

from Relentless (2018)
Relentless (2018)
Sydney Sweeney
Sydney Sweeney seen sexy cleavage-baring lingerie as she is woken up while lying on her back on a mattress. She and some other girls in similar outfits then step into a room where a few guys look over the line-up of girls. One of them selects Sydney, walking up to her and kissing her on the cheek before she falls to the floor, where she shows even more cleavage lying on her back. From Relentless.
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from Alice (2008)
Alice (2008)
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta naked on her back when a guy kisses her leg and then slides her red panties off. He then reaches up to run his hand over her breast before he moves up on top of her and they have sex. From Alice.
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Alice (2008)
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta seen reclining in a bath tub against the back of the tub, crying with her right breast in view as someone comforts her and pours water over her head to calm her down. From Alice.
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from One Sings, the Other Doesn't (1977)
One Sings, the Other Doesn't (1977)
Valérie Mairesse
Valérie Mairesse showing full-frontal nudity as she stands naked while posing for a photographer, finally turning to reveal her butt before she sits down. From One Sings, the Other Doesn't (AKA L'une chante l'autre pas).
1:01 - 65.14 MB - 1792x1080 px June 28th, 2019 @ 2:20 pm Valerie Mairesse - One Sings, the Other Doesn't - 1.mp4
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One Sings, the Other Doesn't (1977)
Valérie Mairesse
Valérie Mairesse dancing and singing topless in a very long skirt, appearing to be very tall and rising above a group of other entertainers during a rehearsal. After a while, it's revealed that a guy is under the skirt and she is riding on his shoulders. From One Sings, the Other Doesn't.
2:12 - 139.60 MB - 1792x1080 px June 28th, 2019 @ 2:17 pm Valerie Mairesse - One Sings, the Other Doesn't - 2.mp4
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One Sings, the Other Doesn't (1977)
Thérèse Liotard
Thérèse Liotard lying topless in bed next to a guy with both breasts in view, sitting up at one point to drink from a bottle of water. From One Sings, the Other Doesn't.
1:07 - 76.78 MB - 1792x1080 px June 28th, 2019 @ 2:15 pm Therese Liotard - One Sings, the Other Doesn't - 2.mp4
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