from El año de la furia (2020)
El año de la furia (2020)
Martina Gusman
Martina Gusman showing cleavage as she undresses down to some lingerie as a guy stands with his back to her in a bedroom. We then see Martina naked on her back, her breasts bouncing as the guy bucks her hips up and has hard sex with her while kneeling and holding her legs. Afterward, we see her showing more cleavage while partially dressed as she leaves the room. From El año de la furia (AKA The Year of Fury).
0:55 - 27.36 MB - 1920x804 px October 25th, 2021 @ 8:30 am Martina Gusman - El ano de la furia - 1.mp4
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El año de la furia (2020)
Martina Gusman
Martina Gusman naked on her back under a guy who has sex with her and pushes her face to the side. She then looks into his eyes and he slows down while she and the guy still have sex. From El año de la furia.
0:33 - 19.61 MB - 1920x804 px October 25th, 2021 @ 8:27 am Martina Gusman - El ano de la furia - 2.mp4
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El año de la furia (2020)
Martina Gusman
Martina Gusman lying on her stomach as a guy has sex with her from behind on a bed before he rolls her over onto her back and we see her breasts. The guy then reaches up and pulls her blonde wig off, revealing her natural hair before he kisses her and she puts her arms around him. From El año de la furia.
1:05 - 37.56 MB - 1920x804 px October 25th, 2021 @ 8:25 am Martina Gusman - El ano de la furia - 3.mp4
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from Hightown (2020)
Hightown (2020)
Kristin Minter
Kristin Minter topless as she rides a guy in bed during a sex scene, the sheet around her waist. Afterward, she collapses on her side next to him for another view of her breasts. Finally, she stands up in a pair of panties and turns to talk to the guy while putting on her pants. From Hightown.
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from Passade (2017)
Passade (2017)
Fanny Valette
Fanny Valette showing bare breasts in a sex scene with a guy in bed, lying on her side with the guy behind her. Afterward, she rolls onto her back with the covers up to her waist. From Passade (AKA Just a Fling).
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Passade (2017)
Fanny Valette
Fanny Valette sitting at the edge of a bed naked and showing her bare breast and butt as she leans over to pick up a shirt as a guy sitting in bed watches her. From Passade.
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Passade (2017)
Fanny Valette
Fanny Valette in a bra as she enters a bedroom and bends over to pick up some clothes, talking to a guy as she begins to get dressed. From Passade.
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from My Name (2021)
My Name (2021)
So-hee Han
So-hee Han making out with a guy as they undress, the guy lifting her shirt up to reveal her bra from the side. She then climbs into his lap as we see her without the bra, showing some side boob as she and the guy have sex. From My Name.

from Les chiens (1979)
Les chiens (1979)
Nicole Calfan
Nicole Calfan showing bare breasts as she swings her arms around while grappling with a guy briefly. From Les chiens (AKA The Dogs).
Les chiens (1979)
Nicole Calfan
Nicole Calfan seen from behind standing naked in a bedroom with her butt and side boob in view as she drops a nightie on over her head. From Les chiens.