from Verratene Freunde (2013)
Verratene Freunde (2013)
Barbara Auer
Barbara Auer having energetic and enthusiastic sex up against a shower wall as a guy bounces her up and down with her legs wrapped around him giving us looks at her right breast as they grunt and gasp before he carries out of the shower and into a bedroom where he lies her on a bed as they continue having intense sex with her moaning and gasping underneath him giving us more looks at her breasts from above. From Verratene Freunde (AKA Betrayed Friends).
Verratene Freunde (2013)
Katja Riemann
Katja Riemann passionately making out with a guy as she pulls his pants down and has him grab her breast and then takes her own pants off showing her panties as she kneels and goes down on him for a bit before she climbs on top and they have sex while she rides him bottomless showing her ass while breathing heavily until finally they finish and she climbs off and puts her panties back on. From Verratene Freunde (AKA Betrayed Friends).
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from Dazed (2017)
Dazed (2017)
Cortney Palm
Cortney Palm seen in a montage as it alternates between shots of her sitting in a bathtub with a guy, making out with him while in her bra, having him pull her shorts down to reveal her ass, standing topless showing her breasts while kissing him, as well as lying bent over a bed with him sitting on the side as a second guy pulls her pants down and has sex kneeling behind her all while the first guy does drugs next to them and doesn't notice. From Dazed.
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from Winona (2019)
Winona (2019)
Daphne Patakia
Daphne Patakia sunbathing on a beach in her underwear as Iro Bezou sneaks up and yanks Daphne's panties off and then takes off running with them causing Daphne to jump up and run around the beach and in the water bottomless as she chases Iro and wrestles with her giving us numerous looks at her ass and bush. From Winona.
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Winona (2019)
Daphne Patakia
Daphne Patakia showing her ass in skimpy panties and a black bra while standing in the ocean and then rushing out of the water with her panties wet and see-through showing her bush underneath and lying down on the sand as Iro Bezou (red bikini top and light blue bikini bottoms), Anthi Efstratiadou (beige bikini) and Sofia Kokkali (black one piece) follow her before they hold Daphne down a bit while Anthi pulls Daphne's panties off and then takes a razor and starts to shave Daphne's bush all as Daphne writhes around on the ground laughing. From Winona.
0:52 - 69.02 MB - 1786x1070 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:30 pm Daphne Patakia, Anthi Efstratiadou, Iro Bezou & Sofia Kokkali - Winona - 1.mp4
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Winona (2019)
Daphne Patakia
Daphne Patakia squatting on a beach in skimpy white panties and a black bra while examining something in the sand before Sofia Kokkali walks over and checks it out and then starts lightly kissing Daphne's arm and finally cranes her head up and softly lesbian kisses Daphne on the lips. From Winona.
Sexy 1:03 - 74.97 MB - 1786x1070 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:29 pm Daphne Patakia & Sofia Kokkali - Winona.mp4More [+]
Winona (2019)
Daphne Patakia
Daphne Patakia giving us a good look in between her legs while sitting on a beach with her legs spread in white panties giving us some looks at her cameltoe as she drinks from a can and cuddles with a dog all as Anthi Efstratiadou walks by in the foreground in a beige bikini before Daphne rolls over onto her stomach. From Winona.
Sexy 0:14 - 15.40 MB - 1786x1070 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:26 pm Daphne Patakia & Anthi Efstratiadou - Winona.mp4More [+]

from Summer Hit (2019)
Summer Hit (2019)
Martina Roura
Martina Roura naked in bed showing her breasts with the covers over her waist as she reaches over trying to turn off some music as a guy walks in and then sitting up on the edge of the bed talking with the guy as she makes him pull down his underwear to show her his penis and then has him walk over so she can reach out and touch it until suddenly he farts and they roll around in bed together laughing and wrestling and then eventually kissing until finally she gets up and puts on a blue jumper to leave. From Summer Hit.
Summer Hit (2019)
Martina Roura
Martina Roura rolling off of a guy naked and then lying on her back breathing heavily catching her breath as they talk all while giving us a view of her breasts before she gets out of bed showing her breast from the side and her ass in skimpy black panties and then grabs a t-shirt and puts it on while they continue to talk. From Summer Hit.

from Pam & Tommy (2022)
Pam & Tommy (2022)
Kasia Szarek
Kasia Szarek lying on a bed in a blue outfit with the bottoms of her large breasts hanging out and Nadine Emrich topless and in a pink thong bodysuit showing her breasts and then her ass al as a guy lies next to Kasia and then sits up to answer the phone while we see Nadine walk over and relax in a windowsill in the background. From Pam & Tommy.
Sexy 0:28 - 20.27 MB - 1920x960 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:19 pm Kasia Szarek & Nadine Emrich - Pam & Tommy - S01E07.mp4More [+]

from Non è stato mio figlio (2016)
Non è stato mio figlio (2016)
Sarah Nile
Italian Playboy model Sarah Nile and several other women all topless and in black thong panties showing off their breasts with tiny black pasties over their nipples and their asses in the thongs all as they perform a routine dancing on a nightclub stage while wearing top hats. From left to right as the women turn to face the crowd they are: Sarah, Laura Pallotta, Stella Sabbadin and Patricia Contreras (credited as Gloria Contreras). From Non è stato mio figlio.
Sexy 0:17 - 16.26 MB - 1920x1080 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:18 pm Sarah Nile, Laura Pallotta, Stella Sabbadin & Patricia Gloria Contreras - Non e stato mio figlio - S01E06.mp4More [+]
Non è stato mio figlio (2016)
Sarah Nile
Sarah Nile showing off her breasts while topless with red tassels on her nipples along with devil horns and black panties as she runs her hands over her body while slowly dancing as she performs a musical number on a nightclub stage. From Non è stato mio figlio.
Sexy 0:12 - 10.19 MB - 1920x1080 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:17 pm Sarah Nile - Non e stato mio figlio - S01E07.mp4More [+]
Non è stato mio figlio (2016)
Sarah Nile
Sarah Nile (front) and several other women all wearing cupless bras with hearts over their nipples and thong panties as they practice a routine on a stage in a nightclub in the middle of the day all as some guys walk in and watch them as they go past. The women in order are Sarah, followed by Angela Tucci, Stella Sabbadin, Patricia Contreras and then Laura Pallotta. From Non è stato mio figlio.
Sexy 0:28 - 27.06 MB - 1920x1080 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:13 pm Sarah Nile & Various - Non e stato mio figlio - S01E02.mp4More [+]
Non è stato mio figlio (2016)
Patricia Contreras
Patricia Contreras (AKA Patricia Gloria Contreras, credited as Gloria Contreras) topless with red tassels hanging off of her nipples along with red devil horns and black panties as she performs on a nightclub stage. From Non è stato mio figlio.
Sexy 0:07 - 6.61 MB - 1920x1080 px March 3rd, 2022 @ 4:11 pm Patricia Contreras - Non e stato mio figlio - S01E07.mp4More [+]