from They Talk to Me (2021)
They Talk to Me (2021)
Margaux Billard
Margaux Billard stripping her bra off to reveal her breasts before she and a guy have sex on a rug in front of a fireplace. We see her naked from the side, Margaux showing more of her breasts as well as partial butt. She then collapses on top of the guy after they finish. From They Talk to Me (AKA They Talk).
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from Das Boot (2018)
Das Boot (2018)
Luise Wolfram
Luise Wolfram naked on her back, her legs wrapped tightly around a guy as she and the guy have sex in bed. The guy then rolls over next to her and Luise positions herself on her back, putting her feet up on the headboard as we see more of her naked and the guy gets out bed. From Das Boot.
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Das Boot (2018)
Luise Wolfram
Luise Wolfram making out with a guy and then kneeling in front of him as she pulls his pants down and goes down on him briefly. He then stands her up and kisses her as she undresses down to her bra. Next, Luise pushes the guy back on a sofa and takes off her bra, showing bare breasts as she climbs on top of him to have sex. We also get a view of her butt from across the room as she rides the guy while wearing just a garter belt and stockings. From Das Boot.
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Das Boot (2018)
Luise Wolfram
Luise Wolfram waking up in bed next to a guy, her right breast in view as she stares at the painted ceiling. She then shows some side boob as she gathers her things off the floor while topless. She then stands up and talks to the guy while holding some clothing to her chest, flashing a breast again as she bends over. The guy then comes over to join her and they talk before she jumps into his arms. From Das Boot.
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Das Boot (2018)
Joana Ribeiro
Joana Ribeiro lying on her back under a guy in bed and showing her left breast as she and the guy have sex. From Das Boot.
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from Krime Story (2022)
Krime Story (2022)
Wiktoria Gasiewska
Wiktoria Gasiewska taking off her yellow polka dot dress as she stands on some sand by a beach at night, showing bare breasts as she slowly walks toward a guy. Her butt then comes into view as we see her thong underwear and the guy puts his arms around her. From Krime Story (AKA Krime Story. Love Story).
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from Conversations with Friends (2022)
Conversations with Friends (2022)
Alison Oliver
Alison Oliver lying naked in a guy's arms in bed, talking to him for a bit before she kisses him. She then moves up, showing her left breast from the side as she climbs on top of him. We then see her sleeping in bed later, showing just a bit of her right nipple by her elbow as the guy leans over to kiss her and wake her up. From Conversations with Friends.
2:01 - 90.84 MB - 1920x960 px May 18th, 2022 @ 8:33 pm Alison Oliver - Conversations with Friends - S01E04.mp4
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Conversations with Friends (2022)
Alison Oliver
Alison Oliver lying on her side in bed with her breasts in view as a guy has sex with her from behind and puts his arms around her, grabbing her breast as the scene ends. From Conversations with Friends.
0:28 - 22.19 MB - 1920x960 px May 18th, 2022 @ 8:30 pm Alison Oliver - Conversations with Friends - S01E05.mp4
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Conversations with Friends (2022)
Alison Oliver
Alison Oliver in a guy's lap as she pulls her shirt off to show her bra as she makes out with a guy while having sex. She is then seen lying on her side facing the guy in bed with her leg slung over him. From Conversations with Friends.
Sexy 1:20 - 72.51 MB - 1920x960 px May 18th, 2022 @ 8:28 pm Alison Oliver - Conversations with Friends - S01E07 - 1.mp4More [+]

from Dynasty (2017)
Dynasty (2017)
Elizabeth Gillies
Elizabeth Gillies showing cleavage in a red bra while in bed with a guy, first next to him before she climbs into his lap to straddle him. She then moves off the guy and talks to him some more. From Dynasty.
Sexy 1:33 - 65.54 MB - 1920x1080 px May 18th, 2022 @ 8:26 pm Elizabeth Gillies - Dynasty - S05E05.mp4More [+]