from Clèves (2021)
Clèves (2021)
Louisiane Gouverneur
Louisiane Gouverneur standing in front of a guy as she lifts her sleep shirt off to show full-frontal nudity. She then makes out with the guy and he lays her back in bed. Louisiane then wraps her legs around the guy while having sex, her breasts in view again when the guy rolls off her afterward. The guy then wipes some come off her stomach and she sits up and smiles. From Clèves.
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Clèves (2021)
Louisiane Gouverneur
Louisiane Gouverneur making out with a guy while wearing a wig, the guy carrying her and laying her down on a blanket. Her panties then come down around her thighs and we see some of her bare butt as the guy has sex with her from behind. From Clèves.
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Clèves (2021)
Louisiane Gouverneur
Louisiane Gouverneur pulling her panties off from under her jean skirt, then climbing into a guy's lap in a parked car to have sex. We then see Louisiane naked as she wakes up in bed next to the guy, showing her breast and butt as she turns and gets out of bed as he remains asleep. From Clèves.
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from Farlig leg (1990)
Farlig leg (1990)
Charlotte Sieling
Charlotte Sieling showing full nudity as she approaches a guy on a bridge at night, the guy dropping a lily pad onto the water below as he and Charlotte watch it float away. From Farlig leg.
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Farlig leg (1990)
Charlotte Sieling
Charlotte Sieling naked on her stomach on a bed with a bit of red yarn down her back. A guy comes over and removes the yarn, kissing his way down her back and her leg. She then kisses down the guy's chest before we see her sitting up with her breasts in view, upset with the guy for a bit before they end up embracing. Finally, the guy pushes her away and she lays down on her side on the bed. From Farlig leg.
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Farlig leg (1990)
Charlotte Sieling
Charlotte Sieling standing up fully nude as she talks to a guy who sits by a fireplace. She then walks over to the fireplace and we see breasts, bush, and butt from Charlotte. She then walks over to where the guy is now sitting, having a drink with him as they talk some more. From Farlig leg.
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from The Ladder (2021)
The Ladder (2021)
Voica Oltean
Voica Oltean lying naked on her stomach next to a guy, her bare butt and a bit of side boob in view as she talks to the guy. From The Ladder (AKA Scara).
The Ladder (2021)
An unidentified girl naked on her back under a guy while having sex in bed, a clear view of her breasts appearing when the guy rolls off her afterward. A bit of bush is also visible. From The Ladder (AKA Scara).
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from Radio Arrow (1998)
Radio Arrow (1998)
Cosima Coccheri
Cosima Coccheri showing her breasts as she has sex with a guy in the back of a parked car. We then see her sitting next to the guy, a jacket on over her shoulders as she and the guy do drugs with a needle. From Radio Arrow (AKA Radiofreccia).
Radio Arrow (1998)
Cosima Coccheri
Cosima Coccheri topless with both breasts in view as she sits up in bed next to a guy. From Radio Arrow.
Radio Arrow (1998)
Patrizia Piccinini
Patrizia Piccinini wearing a thin white shirt that shows her hard nipples underneath as we get a see-through view. She gets out of bed next to a guy and then begins to get dressed while talking to him. From Radio Arrow (AKA Radiofreccia).