from George & Tammy (2022)
George & Tammy (2022)
Jessica Chastain
Jessica Chastain seen with her breasts pressed against a guy's chest as she and the guy have sex in bed and she reaches back to grab the bed railing. We then see some nipple from Jessica as the guy finishes and pulls back. Lastly, we see some side boob and partial butt from Jessica as she gets out of bed and reaches for some clothing. From George & Tammy.
0:45 - 50.02 MB - 1920x960 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:41 pm Jessica Chastain - George & Tammy - S01E05.mp4
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from The Five Devils (2022)
The Five Devils (2022)
Adèle Exarchopoulos
Adèle Exarchopoulos seen from behind as a guy watches her pull her sweater off and then unhook her bra, Adèle showing side boob changes into a different shirt while looking back over her shoulder at the guy. From The Five Devils (AKA Les cinq diables).
Sexy 0:17 - 19.37 MB - 1920x800 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:40 pm Adele Exarchopoulos - The Five Devils - 1.mp4More [+]
The Five Devils (2022)
Adèle Exarchopoulos
Adèle Exarchopoulos pulling her sweater off over her head while kneeling beside a lady who is lying by a lake unconscious. Adèle shows plenty of cleavage in a bra with her breasts almost spilling out and some of her nipple slipping into view as she places the sweater on the lady to try to warm her up. From The Five Devils.
0:26 - 30.45 MB - 1920x800 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:36 pm Adele Exarchopoulos - The Five Devils - 2.mp4
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The Five Devils (2022)
Daphne Patakia
Daphne Patakia, her character scarred on her right side by a burn, making out with a guy and pulling her shirt off to show her breasts. She then stands up and pulls her shorts off to show her butt as she and the guy begin to have sex with Daphne's arms around the guy. From The Five Devils (AKA Les cinq diables).
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from Bump (2021)
Bump (2021)
Nathalie Morris
Nathalie Morris lying on her back in bed, touching her breast over her shirt and sliding her hand down the front of her shorts. She then masturbates while fantasizing about a guy, going topless in her fantasy as she leans over the guy in bed. Nathalie then flips over in bed as she brings herself to orgasm with her hand. From Bump.
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from Anaconda (1997)
Anaconda (1997)
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez wearing a slightly see-through nightie that reveals the shape of her nipples underneath as well as hugs her butt when pulled tight in the back as she stands up from a desk to go answer the door. We then see a bit more of the outline of her nipples when she opens the door for a guy. From a fullscreen DVD version of Anaconda that reveals much more of her butt and her chest compared to the widescreen version due to the difference in framing.
Sexy 0:12 - 2.06 MB - 634x480 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:30 pm Jennifer Lopez - Anaconda - Fullscreen DVD.mp4More [+]

from Vale dos Esquecidos (2022)
Vale dos Esquecidos (2022)
Julia Ianina
Julia Ianina taking off her undergarments to go naked by a bath tub where a guy is sitting. She then climbs into the circular tub, showing her butt as she turns slightly and steps over the edge. From Vale dos Esquecidos.
0:18 - 12.35 MB - 1920x1080 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:28 pm Julia Ianina - Vale dos Esquecidos - S01E09.mp4
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Vale dos Esquecidos (2022)
Guta Ruiz
Guta Ruiz on her back when a guy reaches under her skirt and pulls her panties off. He then leans over her to have sex, pulling her shirt open to squeeze her breast before placing his hand on her neck. After he finishes, the guy moves away and we get a clear shot of her breasts from above. From Vale dos Esquecidos.
1:06 - 65.43 MB - 1920x1080 px December 30th, 2022 @ 2:26 pm Guta Ruiz - Vale dos Esquecidos - S01E10.mp4
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from Fortunata (2017)
Fortunata (2017)
Jasmine Trinca
Jasmine Trinca showing bare breasts while naked on her back at the edge of a bed as a guy has vigorous sex with her, her head hanging off the edge. From Fortunata.
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Fortunata (2017)
Jasmine Trinca
Jasmine Trinca naked as she walks into a the water at a beach, seen from behind with her butt and blue butterfly tattoo on her back in view. From Fortunata.
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