from Thunder in My Heart (2021)
Thunder in My Heart (2021)
Amy Deasismont
Amy Deasismont making out with a guy as they sit down on the edge of a bed together and he lifts her shirt off. We see her bra as the guy then lays her back and she takes her pants off. Amy is then topless as she and the guy have sex with Amy on her back under him. From Thunder in My Heart.
1:40 - 85.63 MB - 1920x1080 px May 5th, 2023 @ 2:31 pm Amy Deasismont - Thunder in My Heart - S02E02 - 1.mp4
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Thunder in My Heart (2021)
Amy Deasismont
Amy Deasismont seen from behind as she stands naked in a bedroom and leans over slightly to pick up a piece of clothing. From Thunder in My Heart.
0:11 - 6.69 MB - 1920x1080 px May 5th, 2023 @ 2:28 pm Amy Deasismont - Thunder in My Heart - S02E02 - 2.mp4
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from High Society (2014)
High Society (2014)
Ana Girardot
Ana Girardot kissing a guy and taking off her bra to to go topless before she lays back naked on a sofa with the guy joining her. From High Society (AKA Le beau monde).
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High Society (2014)
Ana Girardot
Ana Girardot lying naked on her side in bed talking to a guy who is beside her and facing her. We get a partial view of her butt cheek as well as a side view of her left breast. From High Society.
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High Society (2014)
Ana Girardot
Ana Girardot sitting on a sofa as a guy helps her lift her sweater and shirt off to reveal her bra while kissing her. The guy then takes her bra off and we see her topless, at first on the couch before she poses for a photograph by a stained glass window. From High Society.
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from Il patriarca (2022)
Il patriarca (2022)
Giulia Schiavo
Giulia Schiavo lying naked next to a guy in bed, resting her head on his shoulder as we see her bare butt. She and the guy talk for a while before eventually she kisses him and he rolls her onto her back, briefly revealing her left breast. From Il patriarca.

from Dom (2021)
Dom (2021)
Julia Konrad
Julia Konrad seen naked from across a beach as she jogs into the water with a guy and they kiss. We then get a closer view of her in the guy's lap as they have sex on an anchored sailboat. From Dom.
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Dom (2021)
Julia Konrad
Julia Konrad showing just some leg as we get a peek at her having sex with a guy in the cabin of a sailboat. Julia is then seen naked more clearly on the boat deck as she smiles at the guy and then jumps off the side to go skinny-dipping. From Dom.
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Dom (2021)
Raquel Villar
Raquel Villar seen topless in a guy's lap as they have sex on a bed, the guy putting his head into her chest as she runs her hands through his hair. From Dom.
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from Tutta colpa del paradiso (1985)
Tutta colpa del paradiso (1985)
Ornella Muti
Ornella Muti at first wearing a towel wrapped around her midsection, then having it whipped off by a kid who dashes away. Ornella gives a brief topless look before she covers her breasts with her hands crossed over her chest as another guy looks on. From Tutta colpa del paradiso (AKA All the Fault of Paradise).
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