from The Last Mistress (2007)
The Last Mistress (2007)
Asia Argento
Asia Argento fully nude atop a guy as she rides him in bed and he reaches up to play with her nice breasts. He then picks her up and lays her down on her back as they continue to have sex, flashing her bush in the process. From The Last Mistress. Updated to higher quality with more footage.
3:49 - 179.56 MB - 1920x1040 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:22 pm Asia Argento - The Last Mistress - 3.mp4
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The Last Mistress (2007)
Asia Argento
Asia Argento lying naked on her back in bed, leaning over the side with her breasts in view as a guy has sex with her sideways while she hangs on to his leg. She then moves up onto the bed to lay next to him while still showing her bare breasts. From The Last Mistress. Updated to higher quality with more footage.
2:40 - 149.09 MB - 1920x1040 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:19 pm Asia Argento - The Last Mistress - 4.mp4
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The Last Mistress (2007)
Asia Argento
Asia Argento showing her bare butt and breasts as we see her naked in the desert, straddling a guy. We then see her from a closer view as she cries and rocks back and forth, her breasts coming into view. From The Last Mistress. Updated to higher quality.
0:41 - 31.70 MB - 1920x1040 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:17 pm Asia Argento - The Last Mistress - 2.mp4
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The Last Mistress (2007)
Asia Argento
Asia Argento making out with a guy in bed and then standing up, her dress hiked up to reveal her bare butt. From The Last Mistress (AKA Une vieille maîtresse). Updated to higher quality with more footage.
0:33 - 28.82 MB - 1920x1040 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:15 pm Asia Argento - The Last Mistress - 1.mp4
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The Last Mistress (2007)
Roxane Mesquida
Roxane Mesquida lying completely naked in bed as a guy pulls down the covers to reveal her bare breasts. He then pulls them down further, revealing her legs and a bit of blonde bush, too. From The Last Mistress (AKA Une vieille maîtresse). Updated to higher quality.
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from 30 Coins (2020)
30 Coins (2020)
Megan Montaner
Megan Montaner showing bare breasts in a dream sequence in which she is watched having sex on her back under a guy on a four poster bed in a desert. As the camera rotates around, it reveals a fake pregnancy belly on Megan. From 30 Coins.
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from Absolute Beginners (2023)
Absolute Beginners (2023)
Martyna Byczkowska
Martyna Byczkowska walking naked across the sand at a beach toward the water, being joined by a couple guys who also strip naked and join her to splash around in the water. From Absolute Beginners.
0:46 - 56.20 MB - 1920x960 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:09 pm Martyna Byczkowska - Absolute Beginners - S01E04 - 1.mp4
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Absolute Beginners (2023)
Martyna Byczkowska
Martyna Byczkowska pulling her shirt off over her head as we get a fleeting glimpse of her left nipple as a guy records her with a cellphone. From Absolute Beginners.
0:07 - 4.79 MB - 1920x960 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:06 pm Martyna Byczkowska - Absolute Beginners - S01E03.mp4
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Absolute Beginners (2023)
Anna Krotoska
Anna Krotoska naked as she stands up near some water outdoors at night, a guy watching as we get a view of her breasts and butt from the side. She then puts on a dress but leaves it open in front as she pulls on a pair of panties. From Absolute Beginners.
0:16 - 10.36 MB - 1920x960 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:04 pm Anna Krotoska - Absolute Beginners - S01E03.mp4
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from Red Island (2023)
Red Island (2023)
Nadia Tereszkiewicz
Nadia Tereszkiewicz lying on her stomach on a beach wearing a red swimsuit that shows plenty of cleavage as she rolls onto her back. We then see some more cleavage from a distance as she stands waist-deep in the water. From Red Island (AKA L'île rouge).
Sexy 0:28 - 20.66 MB - 1476x1076 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:03 pm Nadia Tereszkiewicz - Red Island.mp4More [+]

from Black Emanuelle (1975)
Black Emanuelle (1975)
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser lying on a bench on train as a guy sits beside her and opens up her legs for a view of her bush up her skirt. The guy then unhooks her top and massages her bare breasts before having sex with her. Another guy looks on and then walks toward Laura with his erection sticking out from his pants. From Black Emanuelle.
1:41 - 104.18 MB - 1920x1038 px October 30th, 2023 @ 6:01 pm Laura Gemser - Black Emanuelle - 13.mp4
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Black Emanuelle (1975)
Laura Gemser
Laura Gemser showing her bush briefly when we see her sitting up naked next to a guy and then talking to the camera. From Black Emanuelle.
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