from The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Natallia Rodrigues
Natallia Rodrigues (AKA Nathália Rodrigues) in bed naked making out with a guy giving us looks at her nipple as she gets up and puts on a shirt but leaves it unbuttoned showing her cleavage while sitting on a dresser smoking and talking with him before coming back to bed giving us more looks at her breasts as she removes the shirt and then has sex with him as it goes back and forth between her sitting up in his lap, her on her back, and her straddling him. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
3:08 - 115.95 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:09 pm Natallia Rodrigues - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E01.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Camila Dos Anjos
Camila Dos Anjos sitting on the edge of a bed with a guy behind her as he lowers her bra and begins cupping and feeling her breasts and then lying her back as he removes her panties and sucks on her nipple and goes down on her while she breathes heavily before he climbs on top and they have sex with her underneath him continuing to show her breasts. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
1:38 - 57.87 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:08 pm Camila Dos Anjos - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E08.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Miá Mello
Miá Mello (left) and Arieta Corrêa (right) lesbian kissing while sitting in a window sill and then moving to a bed where they continue making out as they remove their clothes and bras at first revealing Miá's cleavage and large breasts and then Arieta's breasts as well while they run their fingers and hands over each other's breasts and bodies and then finally lie back continuing to kiss. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
2:03 - 87.55 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:04 pm Arieta Correa & Mia Mello - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E05.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Arieta Corrêa
Arieta Corrêa getting down on her knees and removing her robe to reveal her breasts and panties and then having Lorena Rossi lie her back removing Arieta's panties and running her hands over Arieta's breasts and nude body while performing a tantric sex ritual until Arieta begins shaking and then moans while orgasming all as other unknown women are seen naked around the room also participating. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
2:04 - 61.98 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:03 pm Arieta Correa, Lorena Rossi & Unknown - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E05.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Adriana Lombardi
Adriana Lombardi kneeling fully nude in front of Daiane Oliveira (AKA Day Oliveira) who is also nude as they run their hands over each other along with several other naked men and women who are seen around the room touching each other and pleasuring one another during a tantric sex class. Also in the scene are: Jennifer Oliveira, Deva Geeta, Mariza Parizotto along with some unknown women. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
1:55 - 57.08 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:01 pm Adriana Lombardi, Jennifer Oliveira, Deva Geeta, Mariza Parizotto, Daiane Oliveira & Unknown - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E10.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Jennifer Oliveira
Jennifer Oliveira and several other men and women all seen naked around a room along with a clothed Lorena Rossi running their hands over bodies as they get pleasured during a tantric sex class with Jennifer seen at the end kneeling showing her ass with her cheeks spread a bit. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
1:34 - 45.50 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 4:00 pm Jennifer Oliveira, Lorena Rossi & Unknown - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E01.mp4
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The Secret Life of Couples (2017)
Jennifer Oliveira
Jennifer Oliveira having an unknown topless woman pull her panties off while at the same time Mariza Parizotto is having her black panties pulled off by a guy and then them along with several other unknown women all seen naked showing their breasts as they sit in each other's laps running their hands over each other and rocking back and forth during a tantric sex class. From The Secret Life of Couples (AKA A Vida Secreta dos Casais).
1:36 - 55.16 MB - 1920x1080 px February 14th, 2025 @ 3:58 pm Jennifer Oliveira, Mariza Parizotto & Unknown - The Secret Life of Couples - S01E09.mp4
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from The Clinic of Happiness (2021)
The Clinic of Happiness (2021)
Yuliya Aug
Yuliya Aug having loud sex with a guy as she rides him on some hay in an attic while he reaches up grabbing her breasts through her white nightgown all while Aleksandra Mulina listens to them moaning as she tries to clean the house downstairs. From The Clinic of Happiness (AKA Wanna Be Happy? and Klinika schastya).
Sexy 0:36 - 19.45 MB - 1920x800 px February 14th, 2025 @ 3:57 pm Yuliya Aug & Aleksandra Mulina - The Clinic of Happiness - S01E01.mp4More [+]
The Clinic of Happiness (2021)
Anna Ukolova
Anna Ukolova finishing having sex with a guy as he rolls off of her and lies next to her giving us a look at her body in a beige bra with bird patches over her nipples as they talk. From The Clinic of Happiness (AKA Wanna Be Happy? and Klinika schastya).
Sexy 0:31 - 9.69 MB - 1920x800 px February 14th, 2025 @ 3:53 pm Anna Ukolova - The Clinic of Happiness - S01E04.mp4More [+]
The Clinic of Happiness (2021)
Viktoriya Poltorak
Viktoriya Poltorak wearing a braless top that shows the outline of her large breasts and hard nipples as she talks with a guy and then goes into a closet where she grabs and squeezes her breast for a bit and then grabs his crotch and gropes him before standing in a closet continuing to show her hard nipples as they talk. From The Clinic of Happiness (AKA Wanna Be Happy? and Klinika schastya).
Sexy 0:48 - 25.23 MB - 1920x800 px February 14th, 2025 @ 3:51 pm Viktoriya Poltorak - The Clinic of Happiness - S01E05.mp4More [+]

from My Prison Yard (2008)
My Prison Yard (2008)
An unknown woman standing in a white bra as Candela Peña examines around her breasts and feels her bra before stopping and talking with Blanca Apilánez until finally they make the woman remove her bra as she tries to cover her large breasts. From My Prison Yard (AKA El patio de mi cárcel).
0:38 - 13.64 MB - 1920x816 px February 14th, 2025 @ 3:49 pm Unknown, Blanca Apilanez & Candela Pena - My Prison Yard.mp4
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