Pascale Vital sorted by most popular
Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) topless in a cabin as she has a guy help her remove her boots and pants and then lies back on a bed fully nude spreading her legs and giving us explicit looks as she talks with a guy and watches him remove his clothes and flex his large muscles for her before he climbs on top and starts having sex with her and then goes down on her and kisses around her body while she writhes on the bed. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
3:28 - 137.43 MB - 1920x1016 px September 16th, 2018 @ 3:15 pm Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 1.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital having a guy help her remove her white dress to reveal her fully nude body and then lying back in bed with her legs spread giving us an explicit view before she's seen from below looking up at her as she has sex riding him and bouncing around as he reaches up grabbing her breasts. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
0:42 - 28.38 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:28 pm Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 4.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) wearing a green dress as she climbs up a library ladder to grab a book for a guy giving us an explicit view in between her legs as the guy looks up her skirt and then lying back on a couch and spreading her legs giving us another longer explicit look as he talks with her and rubs her for a while and then finally starts going down on her. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
1:20 - 75.98 MB - 1920x1016 px September 14th, 2018 @ 5:58 pm Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 3.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) showing her breasts and bush while wearing an opened white robe as she rides a horse around a field jumping fences with her breasts bouncing around all while teasing a guy who is watching her and chopping wood until finally she rides off and leads the horse into a stable. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
2:40 - 189.93 MB - 1920x1016 px September 4th, 2018 @ 5:43 pm Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 2.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) sleeping in bed as a naked Brigitte Lahaie walks over and pulls back the covers revealing Pascale's breasts and bush and then lying pressed up against Pascale as she teases Pascale's nipple and kisses it before cuddling with her. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
0:34 - 27.82 MB - 1920x1016 px September 19th, 2018 @ 7:30 pm Brigitte Lahaie & Pascale Vital - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - 1.mp4
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst
Pascale Vital
Pascale Vital (credited as Celina Mood) removing her white nightgown in a horse stable to reveal her fully nude body and then letting a guy feel her breasts before she sits back and has him go down on her for quite a while all as Karine Gambier spies on them and lifts her white dress up to explicitly masturbate while watching. From Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.
2:22 - 102.50 MB - 1920x1016 px September 26th, 2018 @ 8:51 pm Pascale Vital & Karine Gambier - Die Nichten der Frau Oberst.mp4
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