Andréia Horta sorted by length
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta naked on her back when a guy kisses her leg and then slides her red panties off. He then reaches up to run his hand over her breast before he moves up on top of her and they have sex. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta goign topless in thong panties as she makes out with a guy beside a window in a high rise, then moving to a bed where the guy kisses her stomach and then slides her panties off to also expose her bush before she and the guy begin to have sex. We then get a another brief topless view as she wraps up in a towel in a bathroom. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta making out with a guy as he undresses her, her dress coming off to reveal her breasts and her butt in thong panties. The guy then slides the thong off for a view of her bush before she and the guy have sex with Andréia sitting on the edge of a table. From Alice.
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City of God: The Fight Rages On
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta wearing just a bra as she and a guy have sex, starting off on a sofa with Andréia on her back before we see the guy behind her as she leans over standing up, the guy grabbing onto her breasts over her bra. The guy then does a line of drugs off her breast before we see her bouncing his lap as they continue to have sex. Afterward, we see more of Andréia in her bra as she lies on her back beside the guy. From City of God: The Fight Rages On (AKA Cidade de Deus: A Luta Não Para).
1:05 - 80.18 MB - 1920x960 px August 26th, 2024 @ 9:38 am Andreia Horta - City of God The Fight Rages On - S01E01.mp4
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta making out with a guy as he carries her into a bedroom. She then removes her shirt and the guy kisses between her breasts as he lays her back. We then get a view of her bush as the guy slides her panties off to have sex with her while she wears nothing but a bow-tie. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta sitting naked on a toilet, flashing her bush when she stands up and pulls her panties back up. She then stands topless in front of a bathroom mirror, looking at some products on the counter in front of her. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta making out with a guy in a sex scene in which she wears a bra, then showing some side boob as she sits naked on a bed afterward, seen from behind as she smokes a cigarette and looks over her shoulder at the guy sleeping. We then see her wearing a sheer robe as she walks toward a sofa, though it's hard to see anything underneath due to the backlighting. From Elis.
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta naked having sex in a guy's lap next to a backlit window, her breast coming into view when she leans back a bit. From Elis.
Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta stepping into a bathroom while pulling her shirt her head, exposing her breasts before she discovers a guy is in there working on the shower, at which point she covers up with some cleavage still on display. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta seen reclining in a bath tub against the back of the tub, crying with her right breast in view as someone comforts her and pours water over her head to calm her down. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta showing her breasts as she sits at the edge of a bed and uses a cellphone while a guy behind her sleeps. From Alice.
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Andréia Horta
Andréia Horta sitting naked on a railing, seen from the side with her butt and sideboob in view as she and a guy have sex. From Alice.
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