from Magus (2008)

from Delta Delta Die! (2003)
Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sitting at a table and flashing her breasts before standing up and then flashing them for longer all as Rachel Myers, Tiffany Shepis, Jennifer L. Johnson and Lizzy Strain watch during an outtake. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!.
0:09 - 2.28 MB - 720x400 px August 5th, 2007 @ 5:54 pm JulieStrain,RachelMyers,TiffanyShepis,JenniferLJohnson&LizzyStrain@DeltaDeltaDie-SpecialFeatures-CMA.mpg
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing in a cupless black bra that shows off her large breasts as she talks to some guys and then having them come closer and start kissing her breasts and nipples before she knocks them unconscious. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain lying on a bed in red lingerie with her nipples sticking out of her top as she fantasizes about herself in a cupless black bra that shows off her large breasts while she runs around a laboratory playing with knifes and bloody meat. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain talking with some guys while wearing a black cupless bra that shows off her large breasts and then licking one guy's nipple and rubbing her breasts on him before getting a knife and cutting something out of one of them. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain unbuttoning a see-through pink shirt and then removing it to revel her breasts to some guys before she has them walk over to her and start kissing her breasts all while talking to them. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing in a black bra with no cups that show off her large breasts as she turns a crank to work a machine and talks to herself. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing topless and giving us some glimpses of her nipples as she powders her face and then blow dries her hair in a bathroom. Hi-res DVD capture from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sitting in a bathtub fully nude as she shaves her legs and armpits and then washes her large breasts before putting her hand between her legs and rubbing herself while masturbating and sucking on her fingers a bit. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain washing herself in a shower while fully nude and playing with her large breasts and pressing them against the glass while giving us numerous close up views of her nipples and bush all as the camera zooms in and out and moves around her. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!. Part 1 of 2.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain fully nude in a shower pressing her ass against the glass and giving us some looks in between her legs and then turning around and pressing her huge breasts against the glass and sucking on her fingers all while she washes herself and the camera zooms in and out very closely. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!. Part 2 of 2.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a black bra with no cups that shows off her large breasts as she plays with them and has some guys suck on them before being seen in another scene talking with them as they're tied up and then cutting something out of one guy with a knife all as part of some additional footage not in the main movie. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain removing her pink shirt to reveal her large breasts and then pulling down her white panties a bit to show her bush to some guys before having them walk over and start kissing and sucking on her breasts all while she talks to them as seen in some additional footage from the entire take found in the movie. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a cupless black bra as she works a machine and laugh maniacally and then playing with some meat and getting blood all over her large breasts. Hi-res DVD capture of a significant amount of additional footage found in the special features from Delta Delta Die!. Part 1 of 2.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a cupless black bra and covered in blood as she lifts up her skirt to reveal her bush and then dances and plays with her breasts before getting close to the camera and moving them back and forth until finally she presses her nipples up against the camera several times smearing the lens with blood. Hi-res DVD capture of a significant amount of additional footage found in the special features from Delta Delta Die!. Part 2 of 2.
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain pinning Brinke Stevens to the ground and grinding on her and then pulling up her black dress to reveal some white panties and grinding against her some more all during some outtakes. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sitting outside on some chairs with Lizzy Strain while wearing a see-through blue top that clearly shows her nipples as they talk to the camera and at one point Julie standing up and pulling her green shorts up really hard to give us a look between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain playing with her dog on the ground outside in the backyard of a house and giving us numerous looks in between her legs and up her green skirt and shorts as well as at her breasts while wearing a very see-through sheer blue top all as Lizzy Strain films her with a home video camera. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!
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Delta Delta Die!
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a very see-through blue top that clearly shows her nipples as she walks around a house showing off various items and talking to Lizzy Strain who is filming her with a home video camera. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Delta Delta Die!.
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from Treasure Hunt (2003)
Treasure Hunt
Julie Strain
Julie Strain and Susan Skye pool-side, both girls topless as Susan rubs Julie's breasts with oil. Hi-res DVD capture from Treasure Hunt.
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from Thirteen Erotic Ghosts (2002)
Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain fading into existence while topless and then flirting with a guy by pointing at him and licking her lips all as some people talking are distracted before Julie takes him into another room and talks and flirts with him and then leaves. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a cupless red bustier with her large breasts exposed as she suddenly appears next to a guy and then talks with him for a while before disappearing again. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain seen at first in a see-through black dress and then seen topless as she runs her hands over her large breasts and then licks and sucks on her finger all during a closing credits sequence. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sitting in a cupless red bustier with her large breasts exposed as she interviews for the camera and distractedly touches her breasts several times while the camera man zooms in and out. From the special features of Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
1:48 - 25.89 MB - 640x480 px June 30th, 2016 @ 3:50 pm Julie Strain - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features - 1.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a sheer see-through beige dress that clearly shows her breasts and bush and then lifting the dress up to show off her bush as she runs her hand over her pubic hair while pulling the dress down to expose her breasts before briefly being seen posing during a photoshoot behind a sheer black robe. From the special features of Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
0:19 - 4.65 MB - 640x480 px July 7th, 2016 @ 2:16 pm Julie Strain - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features - 2.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain seen sucking on her finger and fooling around with Mia Zottoli as her areolas are sticking out of the top of her bustier and then seen pulling the bustier down a bit to give us a better look at her nipples and then licking a pearl necklace and putting it in her mouth before she sits back in a chair spreading her legs and moving them around giving us a look at her panties in between her legs all during some behind the scenes footage. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
0:40 - 9.60 MB - 640x480 px July 4th, 2016 @ 2:15 pm Julie Strain & Mia Zottoli - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain (black hair) and twin sisters Zen and Zero (AKA The Porcelain Twinz) in an outdoor hot tub as they touch each other and lick each other's nipples all while playing with a large silver metallic vibrator by rubbing it on their breasts and repeatedly sucking on it including sometimes taking turns sucking on each end of it at the same time as they move it in and out and at one point having one of the twins keep it in her mouth as she uses the vibrator on Julie Strain from behind until finally Julie raises it up in the air and they accidentally get struck by lightning all during a threesome lesbian scene. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
3:22 - 48.02 MB - 624x352 px June 15th, 2016 @ 7:45 pm Julie Strain, Zen & Zero - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - 1.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a sheer black dress that clearly shows her breasts and bush underneath as she makes Zen and Zero (credited as The Porcelain Twinz) do some leg stretches in skimpy panties giving us several looks between their legs while Julie whips them a bit until finally Julie leans down and puts her head in between one of the twins' legs and briefly goes down on her through her panties. From Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
1:05 - 15.57 MB - 624x352 px June 1st, 2016 @ 6:38 pm Julie Strain, Zen & Zero - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - 2.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain giving us several explicit looks in between her legs as she gets into different positions in a threeway lesbian scene with twin sisters The Porcelain Twinz all during some behind the scenes footage. From the special features of Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
1:13 - 17.57 MB - 640x480 px July 31st, 2016 @ 8:04 pm Julie Strain, Zen & Zero - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features - 1.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain (center) seen during some behind the scenes footage as twin sisters The Porcelain Twinz, credited as Zen and Zero, lick her nipples and then have her lick their nipples all while talking with the director between takes. From the special features of Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
1:33 - 22.26 MB - 640x480 px July 25th, 2016 @ 8:41 pm Julie Strain, Zen & Zero - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features - 2.mp4
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Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a see-through dress that shows her breasts and bush underneath as she plays around on a set and makes The Porcelain Twinz, Zen and Zero, lick a whip and writhe around on a bed in their street clothes before playing around with the whip some more herself all during some behind the scenes footage. From the special features of Thirteen Erotic Ghosts.
1:56 - 27.81 MB - 640x480 px July 7th, 2016 @ 2:15 pm Julie Strain, Zen & Zero - Thirteen Erotic Ghosts - Special Features - 3.mp4
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from Bleed (2002)

from BattleQueen 2020 (2001)
BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing an opened purple robe that shows her breasts as she walks around a room talking with Eva Nemeth (credited as Eva Dawn Nemeth) and several other unknown nude women before Celia Hart is escorted into the room and Julie talks with her. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain seen lying topless on a bed having sex with a guy and licking his shoulder and ear all while she narrates over the scene. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain giving us some great looks at her large breasts while rolling around on a bed with a guy and at one point feeding him her right breast before he pulls her panties off to reveal her bush and then finally starts having sex with her. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing in an opened red robe that shows her large breasts and a pair of red panties as a guy puts his hands around her and she pushes him back and talks to him while another guy starts to intervene. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sleeping on her side on a bed while topless with her large right breast visible as the camera moves around her body. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain sitting nude on a stool and steel tub as she washes her breasts with a soapy sponge and then rinses herself off by pouring a bucket of water over her body. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain lying nude on her side showing off her ass as Celia Hart massages her and then turning and facing Celia to give us a look at her large breasts before lesbian kissing her and feeling her breasts until Celia starts rubbing and playing with Julie's breasts all as a surveillance camera watches. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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BattleQueen 2020
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a white t-shirt as Zehra Leverman pours water over her body from a bucket causing her shirt to go see-through and her nipples to show through. Hi-res DVD capture from BattleQueen 2020.
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from How to Make a Monster (2001)
How to Make a Monster
Julie Strain
Julie Strain topless while wearing motion-capture equipment as some guys use her to create a model for a video game, having her jump and down as her breasts bounce. Hi-res DVD capture from How to Make a Monster.

from The Independent (2000)
The Independent
Julie Strain
Julie Strain struggling to get out of her gold dress and then finally doing so and standing around in a gold bra and white panties as a guy holds a guy until he accidentally fires it and she jumps around screaming. Hi-res DVD capture from The Independent.
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from The Bare Wench Project (2000)
The Bare Wench Project
Julie Strain
Julie Strain dancing around in her witch costume and then removing it. From The Bare Wench Project.
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The Bare Wench Project
Julie Strain
Julie Strain in a lesbian scene with Julie K. Smith and Nikki Fritz. From The Bare Wench Project.
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from The Rowdy Girls (2000)
The Rowdy Girls
Julie Strain
Julie Strain taking off her top to reveal her large breasts, and then pouring beer over them for a guy to lick off before they begin to have sex. Part 1 of 2 of an energetic sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Rowdy Girls.
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The Rowdy Girls
Julie Strain
Julie Strain thrashing about nude while having very wild sex with a guy in all sorts of positions. Part 2 of 2 of an energetic sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Rowdy Girls.
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The Rowdy Girls
Julie Strain
Julie Strain topless and giving us a good look at her breasts as she straddles a guy and kisses him. Hi-res DVD capture from The Rowdy Girls.
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The Rowdy Girls
Julie Strain
Actress Julie Strain topless with former Playboy model-turned-producer India Allen as they encourage the viewer to watch the film in this extras scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Rowdy Girls.
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from Return to Savage Beach (1998)
Return to Savage Beach
Julie Strain
Julie Strain having a guy remove her bathing suit, ending up nude as they sit in a swimming pool and have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.
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from Busted (1997)
Julie Strain
Julie Strain getting frustrated in the middle of a police station as her tiny green towel keeps falling off of her giving us looks at her fully nude body and a bit in between her legs as she bends over to pick it up before turning to face a guy and giving us an even better look at her breasts until finally he leads her out of the room. From Busted.
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from Lethal Seduction (1997)
Lethal Seduction
Julie Strain
B-movie queen Julie Strain in a sex scene with a guy on a bed. From Lethal Seduction. Part 1 of 2.
Lethal Seduction
Julie Strain
Julie Strain in a sex scene with a guy on a bed. From Lethal Seduction. Part 2 of 2.
Lethal Seduction
Julie Strain
Julie Strain riding a guy on a dock by a lake in this sex scene from Lethal Seduction.

from Day of the Warrior (1996)
Day of the Warrior
Julie Strain
Julie Strain showing her breasts when she makes out with a guy on a bed, wearing only a pair of panties. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.
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Day of the Warrior
Julie Strain
Julie Strain unhooking her top to reveal her breasts before changing into another top. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.
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from Dark Secrets (1996)
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Dark Secrets
Julie Strain
A better version of Monique Parent going down on Julie Strain. From Dark Secrets.
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from Sorceress (1995)
Julie Strain
Julie Strain bottomless showing her bush and in a red bra with the cups pulled down and her large breasts exposed as she appears on a bed having sex with a guy and then rides him for a while moaning all as another version of the same guy watches and fantasizes about having sex with Julie. From Sorceress.
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Julie Strain
Julie Strain appearing naked on top of a guy in front of a fireplace with her breasts pressed against him as they talk and kiss all while the same guy sits on the couch watching them as he thinks back to a time he was with Julie until he watches them fade back out. From Sorceress.
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Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing an opened black robe that shows off her large breasts and bush as she casts a spell while taking oil and rubbing it all over her breasts and stomach giving us close up looks at her body until finally she starts to use a knife on her hand just as Toni Naples walks in and interrupts her. From Sorceress.
1:21 - 28.04 MB - 1280x720 px September 3rd, 2016 @ 6:53 pm Julie Strain & Toni Naples - Sorceress - 1.mp4
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Julie Strain
Julie Strain showing her bush and large breasts while straddling a guy on a bed bottomless and in a red bra with her bra cups pulled down as she calls Toni Naples over who is wearing a see-through black dress that shows her nipples underneath and then watches her remove it to expose her breasts before both she and Julie kiss all around the guy's body all while another version of the guy watches and fantasizes about it. From Sorceress.
1:27 - 30.01 MB - 1280x720 px September 11th, 2016 @ 2:32 pm Julie Strain & Toni Naples - Sorceress - 2.mp4
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Julie Strain
Julie Strain (left) and Toni Naples (right) kneeling on a bed in black leather bondage outfits as they passionately lesbian kiss each other and take turns licking each other's breasts and Julie's nipple before Toni lies on her side and Julie leans down above her continuing to passionately lesbian kiss her until finally they notice Rochelle Swanson watching and talk with her all during a dream sequence as Rochelle also lies in bed playing with herself with the outline of her nipples visible through her white slip. From Sorceress.
1:33 - 32.07 MB - 1280x720 px September 9th, 2016 @ 2:31 pm Julie Strain, Toni Naples & Rochelle Swanson - Sorceress.mp4
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from Play Time (1995)

from Virtual Desire (1995)
Virtual Desire
Julie Strain
Julie Strain removing her red robe to reveal her large breasts and then climbing into a shower and showing off her fully nude body as she washes herself with a bar of soap giving us close up looks at her breasts and dark bush all while a guy spies on her through the window. From Virtual Desire.
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Virtual Desire
Julie Strain
Julie Strain fully nude as she has sex with a guy in a variety of positions including on all fours with him behind her, riding him in reverse, and then riding him forwards as she presses her large breasts together and licks and sucks on her finger. From Virtual Desire.
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from Victim of Desire (1995)
Victim of Desire
Julie Strain
Julie Strain topless on top of a guy as she leans over him while wearing a red thong. We see her breasts from the side as she grinds against the guy. From Victim of Desire.
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Victim of Desire
Julie Strain
Julie Strain rubbing her fully nude body while in the shower. From the unrated version of Victim of Desire.
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from The Dallas Connection (1994)
The Dallas Connection
Julie Strain
Julie Strain baring her breasts while she rides a guy in reverse on a bed, thrusting her hips as they have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from The Dallas Connection.
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The Dallas Connection
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a barely-there outfit that reveals her breasts while she dances around a guy who is strapped into a chair. Hi-res DVD capture from The Dallas Connection.
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from Psycho Cop Returns (1993)
Psycho Cop Returns
Julie Strain
Julie Strain grabbing her large breasts and squeezing them as she rubs them against a guy's face and then buries his face in between them showing the edges of her nipples around her tiny red star pasties all while Melanie Good (credited as Alexandria Lakewood) is giving a lap dance to another guy behind them. From Psycho Cop Returns.
0:11 - 12.27 MB - 1920x1036 px July 15th, 2020 @ 6:12 pm Julie Strain & Melanie Good - Psycho Cop Returns - 1.mp4
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Psycho Cop Returns
Julie Strain
Julie Strain topless with red star pasties on that don't cover her nipples completely and Melanie Good with her breasts exposed and in black thong panties as they mess around with some guys who are talking with each other all as Julie holds the guy from behind a bit pressing her breasts against him. From Psycho Cop Returns.
0:59 - 72.75 MB - 1920x1036 px July 15th, 2020 @ 6:10 pm Julie Strain & Melanie Good - Psycho Cop Returns - 2.mp4
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Psycho Cop Returns
Julie Strain
Julie Strain dressed like a sexy cowgirl with black thong panties as she performs a striptease for a group of guys removing her top and then her bra to reveal tiny red star pasties that don't completely cover her nipples showing her areolas around the edges before she repeatedly shakes her ass and bends over giving us numerous looks at her breasts with the pasties on them all as Brittany Ashland (blonde) and Sara Lee Froton (brunette) are seen dancing topless on a projector screen behind her. From Psycho Cop Returns.
1:16 - 83.95 MB - 1920x1036 px July 13th, 2020 @ 4:49 pm Julie Strain, Brittany Ashland & Sara Lee Froton - Psycho Cop Returns.mp4
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from Fit to Kill (1993)
Fit to Kill
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a barely-there, very skimpy outfit as she stretches and poses on a balcony. She then unties the outfit, revealing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Fit to Kill.
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Fit to Kill
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing against a countertop in a kitchen as a guy undresses her and she leans over so the guy can spank her ass. We then see Julie have sex with the guy while showing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Fit to Kill.
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from Enemy Gold (1993)
Enemy Gold
Julie Strain
Julie Strain dancing around near a fire while wearing leather boots and no top as she holds a sword. Hi-res DVD capture from Enemy Gold.
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from Sunset Heat (1992)
Sunset Heat
Julie Strain
Julie Strain naked and covered in silver body paint as she plays a statue at a party, holding a tray of strawberries and then lowering it for a guy. From Sunset Heat.
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from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart (1992)
Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain on a strip club stage as she shows her ass in pink thong panties and then removes her top to reveal a pink bra while she dances around some more until finally she removes her bra to reveal her large breasts and plays with them and shows them off. Hi-res DVD capture from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain having a guy open her top up to reveal her breasts and then holding her down on the ground as he has sex with her all while another guy spies on them. Hi-res DVD capture from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain climbing on top of a guy as she comes on to him before he pushes her off leaving her in an opened black jacket that shows her breasts before he tries to cover her up. Hi-res DVD capture from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain having sex with a guy in an elevator while standing up as the elevator slowly rises while the camera watches from above. Hi-res DVD capture from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain lying on a couch topless and in panties as she talks with a guy for a while until some other guys walk in and then carry him away. Hi-res DVD capture from Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain standing in front of a mirror as she removes her purple robe to reveal her fully nude body and then proceeds to do her makeup and hair while showing off her body and talking with the camera. Hi-res DVD capture of some behind-the-scenes footage in preparation for Delta Delta Die! from the special features on the DVD for Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Julie Strain
Julie Strain getting fully nude into a shower and washing her large breasts and bush before grabbing a towel to dry herself off with all as she films herself with a video camera on the bathroom counter and talks to him. Hi-res DVD capture of some behind-the-scenes footage in preparation for Delta Delta Die! from the special features on the DVD for Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart.
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from Double Impact (1991)
Double Impact
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a very revealing high-cut purple leotard while lying on her back on the floor surrounded by other girls in leotards as a guy demonstrates his ability to do the splits. From Double Impact.
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Double Impact
Julie Strain
Julie Strain wearing a very high cut and thongish purple leotard from Double Impact.
Sexy 0:25 - 3.21 MB - 352x240 px May 30th, 2001 @ 10:53 am Julie_Strain01@Double_Impact-LunarScan30.mpgMore [+]

from Repossessed (1990)
Julie Strain
Julie Strain (right) and an unknown woman (left) both seen nude from behind in some steam as they shower and Julie bending over and washing herself giving us some looks at the side of her left breast all as a guy sneaks into the locker room and grabs some clothing out of a locker. Hi-res DVD capture from Repossessed.
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