from Single White Female (1992)
Single White Female
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh removing her bathrobe to go topless before she puts on a nightie. Hi-res DVD capture from Single White Female.
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Single White Female
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh seen in a bath tub, her breasts visible above the waterline as the camera zooms in on her. Hi-res DVD capture from Single White Female.
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Single White Female
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh seen topless in bed, reaching her hand down between her legs to masturbate. Voted as one of the sexiest movie scenes ever by Maxim magazine. Hi-res DVD capture from Single White Female.
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Single White Female
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh naked in the shower, showing us her breasts and her bush as she turns and stands between the open curtain. Hi-res DVD capture from Single White Female.
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Single White Female
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh removing her coat, revealing that she's nude underneath as she climbs into bed with a guy and then gives him oral sex. Afterwards, we see her topless again as she rolls over next to him. Voted as one of the sexiest movie scenes ever by Maxim magazine. Hi-res DVD capture from Single White Female.
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from Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying on her back on the bench in a baseball dugout, having a guy unbutton her sweater to expose her breasts before she and the guy have sex. From Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Updated to higher quality.
0:52 - 64.43 MB - 1920x1040 px May 13th, 2021 @ 8:05 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Fast Times at Ridgemont High - 1.mp4
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh pulling her shirt off to go topless before laying back on a couch with her breasts in view while she and the guy briefly have sex. After the guy finishes, Jennifer props herself up on her elbows while still nude, watching the guy as he gets dressed. From Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Updated to higher quality.
1:02 - 69.44 MB - 1920x1040 px May 13th, 2021 @ 8:03 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Fast Times at Ridgemont High - 2.mp4
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh and Phoebe Cates chatting on the phone, Jennifer in a white bra that shows cleavage as she looks at her reflection in a mirror. On the other end of the line, Phoebe Cates is seen in her bra and panties sitting on a piece of furniture putting polish on her toes and then applying some makeup. From a scene that appears only in the TV version of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Sexy 0:37 - 38.71 MB - 1440x1080 px May 15th, 2021 @ 10:48 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh & Phoebe Cates - Fast Times At Ridgemont High - TV Version.mp4More [+]

from Flesh+Blood (1985)
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh standing completely nude as she and a group of other people throw their clothes in the fire. We then get a view of Susan Tyrrell with her dress pulled down to expose one breast. Next, the camera switches back to Jennifer, and she stands topless as a guy gropes her breasts from behind. Lastly, we see Jennifer nude from behind as she walks away. Hi-res DVD capture from Flesh+Blood.
0:42 - 10.00 MB - 720x304 px November 18th, 2004 @ 4:18 pm bM3319-JenniferJasonLeigh&SusanTyrrell@Flesh&Blood.mpg
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Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh having a breast pop out from her dress as she struggles against a few guys, and then having the dress pulled up to expose her bush before the guys assault her. Hi-res DVD capture from Flesh+Blood.
1:07 - 15.80 MB - 720x304 px November 18th, 2004 @ 4:17 pm bM3320-JenniferJasonLeigh@Flesh&Blood-2.mpg
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Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh walking completely nude as she approaches and steps into a hot tub of water with a guy. We then see her topless as she sits across from the guy, and then climbs into his lap as they have sex in the tub. Hi-res DVD capture from Flesh+Blood.
1:45 - 24.73 MB - 720x304 px November 16th, 2004 @ 3:14 pm bM3321-JenniferJasonLeigh@Flesh&Blood-3.mpg
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Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying nude in bed, giving us a look at her breasts and bush as she then sits up, puts on an open fur robe and then talks to a guy for a while before lying back down on the bed while still mostly naked. Hi-res DVD capture from Flesh+Blood.
1:15 - 17.67 MB - 720x304 px November 16th, 2004 @ 3:13 pm bM3322-JenniferJasonLeigh@Flesh&Blood-4.mpg
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from Miami Blues (1990)
Miami Blues
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Fast Times at Ridgemont High star Jennifer Jason Leigh giving us a peek at her right nipple in the corner of the screen as she changes out of her top and puts on a dress. Hi-res DVD capture from Miami Blues.
Miami Blues
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh removing her dress and then laying topless on a bed, wearing only panties. A guy then lays down on top of her and they kiss as we get a few more looks at her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Miami Blues.
Miami Blues
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh laying back topless on a kitchen counter as a guy has sex with her. Hi-res DVD capture from Miami Blues.

from Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989)
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh going topless at a bar, stumbling around a bit while drunk as some guys pour drinks on her exposed breasts and kiss her chest. They then carry her to the back seat of a car, where she has sex with one of the guys. From Last Exit to Brooklyn.
1:29 - 30.90 MB - 1280x696 px October 7th, 2011 @ 10:10 am Jennifer Jason Leigh - Last Exit to Brooklyn - 1.mp4
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Last Exit to Brooklyn
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh being carried out of the front seat of a car and placed on a cushion on the ground by a group of guys, one of them having sex with her. Another guy then shows up and chases him off, kneeling beside Jennifer, who is lying topless on her back. The guy pulls his sweater off and uses it to cover her breasts. From Last Exit to Brooklyn.
1:30 - 31.05 MB - 1280x696 px October 7th, 2011 @ 10:08 am Jennifer Jason Leigh - Last Exit to Brooklyn - 2.mp4
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Last Exit to Brooklyn
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh going topless at a bar, stumbling around a bit while drunk as some guys pour drinks on her exposed breasts and kiss her chest. They then carry her to the back seat of a car, where she has sex with one of the guys. Good quality capture from Last Exit to Brooklyn.
1:25 - 20.21 MB - 592x320 px March 31st, 2008 @ 5:55 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Last Exit To Brooklyn.mpg
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from Death Ride to Osaka (1983)
Death Ride to Osaka
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying on her back with her hands bound as a guy pulls open her dress to expose her breasts, which he rubs before he is interrupted. Hi-res DVD capture from Death Ride to Osaka.
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from Georgia (1995)
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh showing her bare butt bouncing as well as her right breast as she has sex on top of a guy in bed, riding him vigorously while naked. From Georgia.
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh riding a guy on a bed giving us a good look at her butt and the side of her breast from Georgia.

from Eyes of a Stranger (1981)
Eyes of a Stranger
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh struggling with a guy on a bed as he tears open her tank top to quickly reveal her breasts. We then briefly see her left breast again when he throws her across the bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Eyes of a Stranger.
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Eyes of a Stranger
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh pulling her shirt open to reveal her right breast, as reflected in a bathroom mirror, as she runs her hand over it. Hi-res DVD capture from Eyes of a Stranger.
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from The Heart of Midnight (1988)
The Heart of Midnight
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh with blonde hair having her dress pulled down in slow-motion to reveal her breast and nipple from The Heart of Midnight.
0:12 - 1.78 MB - 352x240 px November 18th, 2001 @ 9:11 pm Jennifer_Jason_Leigh01@The_Heart_Of_Midnight-LunarScan220.mpg
The Heart of Midnight
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh taking a shower and reaching back to grab some soap giving us a brief glimpse of her breast before scrubbing her face from The Heart of Midnight.
0:15 - 2.62 MB - 352x240 px November 18th, 2001 @ 9:14 pm Jennifer_Jason_Leigh02@The_Heart_Of_Midnight-LunarScan221.mpg

from The Machinist (2004)
The Machinist
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying in bed with her top pulled up to her breasts, showing some pokey nipples through the fabric. We then get a short view of her right breast in a separate scene as she rolls over in bed. Hi-res DVD capture from The Machinist.
The Machinist
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh topless as she lies in bed next to a guy, giving us a nice long view at her breasts while they talk, and she rolls over on her side a couple times. Hi-res DVD capture from The Machinist.

from Crooked Hearts (1991)
Crooked Hearts
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh sitting in a guy's lap while he takes a bath, having the guy unhook her bra to reveal her breasts while they kiss. Hi-res DVD capture from Crooked Hearts.
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from Sister, Sister (1987)
Sister, Sister
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh giving a good look at her breasts in close-up as she lies on her back in bed and a guy slides his hand down her stomach and under the sheets. She and the guy then have sex and Jennifer imagines water coming out of the ceiling and walls, the room filling up with water in this dream sequence. From Sister, Sister.
1:46 - 133.40 MB - 1920x816 px February 25th, 2022 @ 12:48 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Sister, Sister - 1.mp4
Sister, Sister
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh undressing, wearing a nightie with a see-through bodice as a guy approaches and she makes out with him. The guy then lowers her nightie to expose her left breast, sucking on her nipple as he kneels in front of her. The guy then carries her to a bed where she lays back and and they have sex. From Sister, Sister.
1:23 - 104.95 MB - 1920x816 px February 25th, 2022 @ 12:46 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Sister, Sister - 2.mp4
Sister, Sister
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lowering herself into a bath tub surrounded by candles, showing her breasts from above as she dips below the water to wet her hair and then sits up. She then looks around, hearing noises before she stands up clutching a towel to her front. From Sister, Sister.
1:21 - 95.53 MB - 1920x816 px February 25th, 2022 @ 12:44 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - Sister, Sister - 3.mp4

from Rush (1991)
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying on her back underneath a guy and showing a good portion of her breasts during a love scene. From Rush.
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh going down on a guy for a bit before he throws onto a bed and hikes down her pants to reveal her bare butt before having hard sex with her from behind. From Rush.

from Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994)
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying on top of a guy in bed while topless, showing her breasts a few times as she rolls off him to smoke a cigarette, and then moves back on top of him. Hi-res DVD capture from Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle.
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from Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Margot at the Wedding
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh walking around in her pajamas, her shirt hanging open to reveal her breasts as she talks to a guy and climbs into bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Margot at the Wedding.
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from The Prom (1992)
The Prom
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh repeatedly running her hands over her breasts and grabbing them through her red dress as she hikes the dress up and dances showing off her red panties all while a guy sits in a booth watching her through a window during a peepshow. From The Prom.
Sexy 2:11 - 14.41 MB - 638x474 px November 10th, 2023 @ 12:17 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Prom - 1.mp4 -
The Prom
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh showing her cleavage in a black bra with her red dress pulled down as she dances for a guy who is sitting in a booth during a peepshow letting her bra strap slip down and crossing her arms over her body while swaying around talking with him all while he undoes his own shirt and removes it to reveal marks on his body. From The Prom.
Sexy 4:57 - 33.24 MB - 638x474 px November 10th, 2023 @ 12:19 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Prom - 2.mp4 -
The Prom
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh making out with a guy in bed as she climbs on top of him and straddles him and then begins having slow sex while leaning forward. From The Prom.
Sexy 0:42 - 6.65 MB - 638x474 px November 10th, 2023 @ 12:24 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Prom - 3.mp4 -
The Prom
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh sitting up in bed as she removes her white nightgown to reveal her breasts and then lying back topless arching her back and stretching giving us more looks at her breasts all while a guy sleeps next to her. From The Prom.
The Prom
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh lying on her side naked in bed showing a lot of her right breast and the edge of her nipple all while she reaches up running her hand across a guy's skin admiring the marks on his body. From The Prom.

from The Men's Club (1986)
The Men's Club
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh in a sexy black leather outfit that shows off cleavage as she sits on a table top and talks to a guy while running her hand seductively between her legs. After a while, Jennifer gets up and climbs on top of the guy in bed, straddling him and grinding back and forth. From The Men's Club.
Sexy 3:08 - 251.73 MB - 1920x1040 px February 4th, 2017 @ 9:08 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Men's Club - 1.mp4More [+]
The Men's Club
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh wearing black leather pants and a skimpy top that shows cleavage as she straddles a guy in bed and leans over to kiss him. She then moves down to undo his pants before riding him, moaning as she has sex on top of him. From The Men's Club.
Sexy 1:32 - 142.92 MB - 1920x1040 px February 2nd, 2017 @ 10:00 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Men's Club - 2.mp4More [+]

from The Moment (2013)
The Moment
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh walking naked into a showing at an art gallery, showing a bit of side boob before her full body comes into view and we see her butt from behind. From The Moment.

from Backdraft (1991)
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh having sex with a guy on top of a parked fire truck in a station, wearing an unbuttoned shirt that flashes her left breast briefly as we see her throwing her head back while in the guy's lap. She and the guy are then interrupted by the lights coming on in the station. From an open matte version of Backdraft, the nudity not visible in the theatrical aspect ratio due to the difference in framing.
0:33 - 38.68 MB - 1920x1080 px November 1st, 2023 @ 11:09 am Jennifer Jason Leigh - Backdraft - Open Matte.mp4

from In the Cut (2003)
In the Cut
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh in a very skimpy and thin bra that shows pokey nipples as she lies on her back, then gets up to go to the refrigerator for a drink as Meg Ryan watches and talks to her. Jennifer then returns and lays down again on her back. From the unrated version of In the Cut.
Sexy 2:01 - 42.09 MB - 1280x688 px February 9th, 2013 @ 1:42 pm Jennifer Jason Leigh - In the Cut.mp4More [+]

from Skipped Parts (2000)
Skipped Parts
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh sitting in a bubble bath with a guy, the bubbles covering her breasts but her right nipple coming into view for a while after she reaches out of the tub and another guy hands her a bottle of soda. From Skipped Parts.

from Grandview, U.S.A. (1984)
Grandview, U.S.A.
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh wearing only a skirt with an apron as she climbs out of a bed, showing off a lot of cleavage. Hi-res DVD capture from Grandview, U.S.A..
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