from Ha-Gan (1977)
Ha-Gan (1977)
Melanie Griffith
A young Melanie Griffith having a guy pull off her clothes as stands there, revealing her breasts and bush as she ends up naked. Good quality capture from Ha-Gan (AKA The Garden).
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Ha-Gan (1977)
Melanie Griffith
Melanie Griffith seen from the side as she stands naked at a tree, her right nipple just peeking into view. We then get a full-frontal shot of Melanie from a distance as a guy stares at her. Good quality capture from Ha-Gan.
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from Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jennifer Jason Leigh walking around in her pajamas, her shirt hanging open to reveal her breasts as she talks to a guy and climbs into bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Margot at the Wedding.
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Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman lying on her stomach in a blue dress in bed as she reaches down between her legs and masturbates. Hi-res DVD capture from Margot at the Wedding.
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from Day Zero (2007)
Day Zero (2007)
Charlene Biton
Charlene Biton seen in a peep show booth as she undresses, showing both breasts as she lubes up a dildo and a guy watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Day Zero.
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