from Purge (2012)
Laura Birn
Laura Birn having her clothes ripped open by some guys to reveal her breasts as they hold her down and have sex with her and then flipping her over and having hard sex with her from behind until she starts to zone out. From Purge (AKA Puhdistus).
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Laura Birn
Laura Birn wearing a ripped open white top as she is held on the ground by a guy while another guy urinates on her giving us a look at her right breast and then a bit of a look at her ass in panties as she's lying on her side shivering. From Purge.
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Laura Birn
Laura Birn lying in some muddy water giving us a look at her left breast as she sits up and then washes herself before giving us another brief glimpse of her left nipple as she stands up and adjusts her jacket. From Purge (AKA Puhdistus).
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Laura Birn
Laura Birn lying on her back grimacing as she has sex with a guy while giving us a look at her right breast. From Purge.
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Laura Birn
Laura Birn seen from behind naked with her right breast jiggling as she scrubs herself and checks for smells while bathing. From Purge (AKA Puhdistus).
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from Naked Harbour (2012)
Naked Harbour
Laura Birn
Laura Birn straddling a guy on a couch as she takes her red bra off to go topless. We then see more of her breasts when she lays back on the couch and the guy slides her panties off. She then climbs back into the guy's lap and rides him, giving us a look at her bare butt as she has sex with him and knocks a painting off the wall. From Naked Harbour (AKA Vuosaari).
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from Love and Fury (2016)
Love and Fury
Laura Birn
Laura Birn lying in bed next to a guy who runs his fingers down her back as we see her hips from behind. She then rolls over to face him, showing plenty of cleavage and just a fraction of her right nipple. From Love and Fury (AKA Syysprinssi).
Sexy 0:50 - 29.82 MB - 1920x1040 px February 22nd, 2017 @ 11:01 pm Laura Birn - Love and Fury - 1.mp4 -
Love and Fury
Laura Birn
Laura Birn kneeling on a bed as a guy helps her bra to come off, revealing her left breast as she presses her chest against him while making out with him. W e then see her lying on her back as she and the guy have sex, seen mostly from just the shoulders up. From Love and Fury.
Love and Fury
Laura Birn
Laura Birn wearing a white tank top and black panties as she walks over to a couch to sit down beside a guy, showing pokey nipples as she smokes a cigarette and looks at some art with him. After a while, she stands up and walks into a bathroom, showing even more prominent pokies through her shirt. From Love and Fury.
Sexy 1:03 - 34.33 MB - 1920x1040 px February 20th, 2017 @ 11:49 pm Laura Birn - Love and Fury - 3.mp4 -
Love and Fury
Laura Birn
Laura Birn showing her bare back and a bit of her butt as she has sex on top of a guy, as seen from behind and then from the shoulders up from the side. Laura then dismounts, flashing her right butt cheek as she moves off the guy and then sits next to him with her knees pulled up to her chest. From Love and Fury.
Love and Fury
Laura Birn
Laura Birn naked on her back underneath a guy as they have sex, her breasts in plain view and jiggling a bit as we first get a view from behind her head, and then from the side. From Love and Fury (AKA Syysprinssi).

from Foundation (2021)
Laura Birn
Laura Birn having hard and intense sex while lying on her back moaning with a guy on top thrusting into her before he slows down to talk with her briefly and then gets intense again until he notices someone walking into the room behind them. From Foundation.
Sexy 0:47 - 35.76 MB - 1920x800 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:37 pm Laura Birn - Foundation - S02E01.mp4More [+]
Laura Birn
Laura Birn seen from behind as she stands naked and talks to a guy who sits across from her. We see her bare butt and side boob before she steps into a blue dress, Laura showing inner cleavage as she pulls the dress up from the floor. From Foundation.
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from Tyhjiö (2018)

from The Girl King (2015)
The Girl King
Laura Birn
Laura Birn sitting on some stairs having sex with a guy while wearing a green dress before they hear someone coming and jump up all while a guy talks over the scene. From The Girl King.
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from A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
Laura Birn
Laura Birn lying on her back with duct tape over her mouth as a guy cuts open her blue shirt, exposing her right breast as he leans over her. From A Walk Among the Tombstones.
0:06 - 2.11 MB - 1280x536 px January 9th, 2015 @ 1:55 pm Laura Birn - A Walk Among the Tombstones.mp4

from Light Light Light (2023)
Light Light Light
Laura Birn
Laura Birn flashing bare breasts when she has the covers whipped off her for a brief flash in bed. From Light Light Light (AKA Valoa valoa valoa).
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Light Light Light
Laura Birn
Laura Birn seen in a shower, showing cleavage from the side until at the end of the scene we get a peek at her left nipple and some side boob as the camera is zoomed out a bit more. From Light Light Light.
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