from Stella Models (2019)
Stella Models (2019)
Larissa Maxine
Larissa Maxine (credited as Larissa Jorge) standing in front of a guy in a living room as she pulls down her strapless dress to reveal her breasts to him and drops the dress to the floor and then seen kneeling naked on a couch bent over learning on the arm as she waits for him to take his underwear off and get behind her before they have energetic and intense sex as she bounces around loudly crying out, moaning, and laughing, all while he holds onto her shoulders thrusting into her from behind. From Stella Models.
0:31 - 17.94 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:51 pm Larissa Maxine - Stella Models - S01E02 - 4.mp4
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Stella Models (2019)
Larissa Maxine
Larissa Maxine standing on a sailboat as she teases a guy by opening her dress and showing him her large breasts and then dropping the dress and standing in front of him topless while pulling her panties forward a couple of times giving him looks at her bush before he gives her some money and then stands up and starts squeezing her breasts and juggling them causing them to jiggle all as she giggles and laughs while another guy watches and counts the money. From Stella Models.
0:53 - 25.20 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:48 pm Larissa Maxine - Stella Models - S01E01 - 2.mp4
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Stella Models (2019)
Larissa Maxine
Larissa Maxine in a white teddy and thong panties showing her ass as she falls back onto a bed with a guy and then seen having sex with several guys in a montage. At first we see her on her back as the guy bounces her back and forth, then standing up fully nude bent over a typewriter with the guy behind her as she grunts and her breasts bounces and jiggle, then on her back groaning with the guy on top of her, and finally sitting up in the guy's lap bouncing up and down talking and loudly moaning. From Stella Models.
1:05 - 32.27 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:45 pm Larissa Maxine - Stella Models - S01E01 - 5.mp4
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Stella Models (2019)
Larissa Maxine
Larissa Maxine making out with a guy in a school classroom as he picks her up and sets her on a desk and then pulls her panties off from under her skirt as she sits topless showing her breasts from the side before they have enthusiastic sex as she loudly moans. From Stella Models.
0:35 - 21.50 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:42 pm Larissa Maxine - Stella Models - S01E01 - 4.mp4
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Stella Models (2019)
Larissa Maxine
Larissa Maxine lying naked on her back showing her breasts as a guy kisses her and then starts kissing around her neck while talking with her. From Stella Models.
0:20 - 16.76 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:39 pm Larissa Maxine - Stella Models - S01E02 - 6.mp4
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from Foundation (2021)
Foundation (2021)
Laura Birn
Laura Birn having hard and intense sex while lying on her back moaning with a guy on top thrusting into her before he slows down to talk with her briefly and then gets intense again until he notices someone walking into the room behind them. From Foundation.
Sexy 0:47 - 35.76 MB - 1920x800 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:37 pm Laura Birn - Foundation - S02E01.mp4More [+]

from Secret Campus (2023)
Secret Campus (2023)
Azi Acosta
Azi Acosta pushing a guy down onto a bed and climbing on top and straddling him as she removes her top and strapless bra to reveal her large breasts and then feeds her nipple to him letting him suck on it before they have sex at first with her naked on top bouncing back and forth kissing him continuing to show her breasts and ass and then on her back underneath him showing her breasts from above as she gasps and breathes heavily until finally he orgasms before she's ready and lies down next to her. From Secret Campus.
3:58 - 150.55 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:35 pm Azi Acosta - Secret Campus - S01E04 - 2.mp4
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Secret Campus (2023)
Azi Acosta
Azi Acosta having fast and energetic sex while lying bottomless on her stomach as a guy thrusts into her bouncing her around showing her cleavage in an opened white blouse and beige bra as she talks to him while he grunts and speeds up until finally he finishes and climbs off of her. From Secret Campus.
1:31 - 69.29 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:34 pm Azi Acosta - Secret Campus - S01E04 - 1.mp4
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Secret Campus (2023)
Azi Acosta
Azi Acosta reaching over and grabbing a guy through his shorts and then having energetic sex with him as she sits up in his lap bouncing around while bottomless showing her ass and with her pink tanktop pulled up showing her cleavage in a beige bra before they briefly have sex with her underneath him and then have sex with her sitting up on the couch all as someone calls out to them and occasionally rings a bell for help. From Secret Campus.
1:56 - 74.65 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:31 pm Azi Acosta - Secret Campus - S01E04 - 4.mp4
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Secret Campus (2023)
Azi Acosta
Azi Acosta lying in bed next to a guy as she reaches over and starts pleasuring him while groping him through the covers as he moans. From Secret Campus.
Sexy 0:17 - 8.88 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:30 pm Azi Acosta - Secret Campus - S01E04 - 3.mp4More [+]

from O Amante de Júlia (2022)
O Amante de Júlia (2022)
Luisa Arraes
Luisa Arraes sitting on the edge of a bed as she removes her white towel showing a bit of the sides of her breasts while putting her bra on as a guy watches before we see her in bed in the bra as he rolls her onto her back and kisses along her stomach until he starts going down on her as she lightly moans. From O Amante de Júlia (AKA Julia's Lover).
Sexy 1:18 - 27.62 MB - 1920x856 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:27 pm Luisa Arraes - O Amante de Julia - 1.mp4More [+]
O Amante de Júlia (2022)
Luisa Arraes
Luisa Arraes standing in a bra and jean shorts as she wakes a guy up by burning another woman's bra in the room causing him to jump out of bed and put the fire out and then argue with her as she walks around and stands on the bed until finally he picks her up over his shoulder and sets her down outside and closes the door. From O Amante de Júlia (AKA Julia's Lover).
Sexy 1:26 - 58.29 MB - 1920x856 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:24 pm Luisa Arraes - O Amante de Julia - 2.mp4More [+]

from An Hour Before the Dawn (2021)
An Hour Before the Dawn (2021)
Mariya Lisovaya
Mariya Lisovaya giving us several looks at her cleavage down her low cut blue dress as a guy in a restaurant falls down in front of her causing her to stumble and then bend over picking up a tray before we see her standing at the table talking with him. From An Hour Before the Dawn (AKA Za chas do rassveta).
Sexy 0:20 - 18.09 MB - 1920x1080 px October 15th, 2023 @ 12:21 pm Mariya Lisovaya - An Hour Before the Dawn - S01E03.mp4More [+]