Emmanuelle Béart sorted by most popular
Histoire de Marie et Julien
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart having a guy reach around and grab her right breast while he has sex with her from behind, and then showing her left breast again when she straddles him. Hi-res DVD capture from Histoire de Marie et Julien (AKA The Story of Marie and Julien).
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart standing nude after a guy pulls down her panties and then uses a lighter to get a closer look at her nice breasts. After lying on top of him, she rolls over and he kisses her bare butt before having sex with her from behind. Hi-res DVD capture from Strayed.
A Crime
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart kneeling on a bed as a guy undresses her, ending up naked as we see her breasts and nice ass while they have sex as trains go by on a nearby track. Good quality capture from A Crime (AKA Un crime).
Histoire de Marie et Julien
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart riding a guy in bed while topless, her left breast visible as she arches her back and he grabs her ass. Hi-res DVD capture from Histoire de Marie et Julien.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart removing her robe to reveal her fully nude body and then trying to pose in several different positions while a guy watches before sitting up quickly and giving us a brief peek between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture from the French film La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart standing fully nude with one leg on a chair giving us a slight view between her legs as a guy poses her and then sitting in a chair and lying on a couch as he poses her some more. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse (AKA The Beautiful Troublemaker).
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart removing her robe to reveal her fully nude body to a guy and then knocking over a chair. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Répétition
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart seen nude while having sex with a guy in bed, giving us a look at her ass and a glimpse of breasts and bush as she rolls around in bed afterwards. Hi-res DVD capture from La Répétition.
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Manon of the Spring
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart seen nude as a guy watches her from up on a rock formation while she dances completely naked. Hi-res DVD capture from Manon of the Spring (AKA Manon des sources).
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart removing her robe to reveal her fully nude body to a guy and then bending over a stool as he moves her body around and then starts to draw her. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
A Crime
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart making out with a guy in a kitchen as he pulls her shirt over her head, exposing her breasts. They then move to a bed, where we see Emmanuelle topless again as the guy lies down on top of her. Good quality capture from A Crime.
Ça commence par la fin
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart naked underneath a guy as they have sex on a bed, her breasts coming into view a few times in this long sex scene. From Ça commence par la fin.
3:13 - 66.93 MB - 1280x544 px December 10th, 2010 @ 2:35 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Ca commence par la fin - 2.mp4
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart having her robe removed by a guy and then standing fully nude before walking away and posing giving us a long look at her breasts and nipples as the come into frame. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Répétition
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting topless in a bath tub with Pascale Bussières, both girls having their breasts exposed as the move about while washing. Hi-res DVD capture from La Répétition (AKA Replay).
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La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart walking around a studio while fully nude and talking with a guy and then sitting on a sheet and wrapping it around herself before laughing a lot and opening it back up. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart kneeling fully nude on a bench for a guy and then turning and sitting and talking to him a bit before kneeling again and giving us a nice look at her butt. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
Premiers désirs
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart fully nude in front of a mirror, showing us her breasts, butt and a flash of bush as she looks at herself and then reaches down a towel to cover her bottom half. From Premiers désirs.
0:32 - 6.68 MB - 640x400 px September 11th, 2004 @ 2:44 pm Charlie_EmmanuelleBeart_PremiersDesirs2.mpg
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart wearing a skimpy outfit that reveals her breasts as she stands up while a guy goes down on her, and another girl goes down on a guy nearby. Hi-res DVD capture from Nathalie....
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La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart lying on a chair and taking off her robe to reveal her fully nude body as she poses for a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
Emmanuelle Béart sorted by most popular continued
Premiers désirs
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart relaxing while naked at the beach with a friend, sunning themselves on towels and then running into the water. From Premiers désirs (AKA First Desires).
1:10 - 14.42 MB - 640x400 px September 11th, 2004 @ 2:45 pm Charlie_EmmanuelleBeart_PremiersDesirs1.mpg
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart giving us a look at her butt from a distance and then having a guy walk over and pose her a bit giving us a look at her right breast. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart standing and turning giving us a look at her left breast and then at her butt as a guy walks over to her. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart giving us a long look at her body as she poses fully nude while sitting on a stool as the camera zooms out before putting on her robe. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart removing her robe and lying fully nude on the ground as a guy poses her and then sitting up briefly giving us a look at her butt before he lays her back down and poses her again. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting on a stool giving us a long look at her breasts before getting up fully nude and putting on a robe to talk to a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from the French film La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart throwing off her robe and sitting down nude on a chaise longue while a guy positions her arms and legs just the right way. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart kneeling on a table in a room while fully nude as she talks with a guy before getting up and walking off. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
The Witnesses
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart naked in the shower, showing breasts and buns as she holds the detachable shower head and talks to a guy who walks in on her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Witnesses.
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A Crime
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart undressing in the back seat of a car, showing her breasts as she takes off her jacket, shirt and pants. Good quality capture from A Crime.
The Witnesses
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart having her left breast pop out of her sweater as a guy kisses it. We then see her naked, rolling around in bed with the guy as they begin to have sex, though no nudity is shown in this part of the scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Witnesses.
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The Witnesses
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart first showing some pokey nipples in a yellow dress with nothing underneath, and then sitting down on a bed after removing the dress, showing her bare breasts. A guy then leans over to touch her breasts and kiss her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Witnesses (AKA Les témoins).
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The Witnesses
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart showing her right breast briefly in bed as she and a guy try to have sex. They then stop trying, and we get a nice look at Emmanuelle topless while she sits up. Lastly, we see her bare butt and right breast while standing up beside the bed and pulling on a shirt. Hi-res DVD capture from The Witnesses.
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Manon of the Spring
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart seen fully nude as a guy watches her from up on a rock formation while she dances completely naked. From Manon of the Spring (AKA Manon des sources).
Ça commence par la fin
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart dropping her nightie off to go fully nude, showing breasts and bush as she stands in front of a guy who is sitting on a bed. He then stands up and makes out with Emmanuelle, turning her to the side so that we see her bare butt, too. From Ça commence par la fin.
0:42 - 14.67 MB - 1280x544 px December 10th, 2010 @ 2:37 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Ca commence par la fin - 1.mp4
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
French actress Emmanuelle Beart sitting on a sheet and then lying back fully nude before a guy turns the lights on causing her to get up and put a robe on. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart showing her left breast as she stands topless facing away from the camera and prepares to get dressed. Hi-res DVD capture from Nathalie....
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La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting fully nude on a sheet in a room as she talks with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
La Belle Noiseuse
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Beart removing her robe to reveal her fully nude body and then walking over to a table and lying across it. Hi-res DVD capture from La Belle Noiseuse.
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart seen topless, reflected in a mirror as she takes a shower. Hi-res DVD capture from Nathalie....
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Emmanuelle Béart sorted by most popular continued
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart standing topless and partially covered in mud as a big group of native children stand around her and reach to grab her breasts with muddy hands, Emmanuelle's left nipple coming into view a few times. Hi-res DVD capture from Vinyan.
I Don't Kiss
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart naked in the shower, her nude first visible through the frosted glass, and then as a guy walks into the bathroom. First we see her bare butt, and then her breasts as she steps out and eventually covers up with a towel. Hi-res DVD capture from I Don't Kiss (AKA J'embrasse pas).
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Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sleeping naked on her side on a bed, rolling over as a guy joins her so that we see her breasts and bush through the netting around the bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Vinyan.
Ça commence par la fin
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting in a bathroom in a white bra, having a guy approach her and kiss her before turning her around and removing her bra to briefly expose her right breast. From Ça commence par la fin.
0:19 - 6.43 MB - 1280x544 px December 10th, 2010 @ 2:31 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Ca commence par la fin - 3.mp4
L'amour en douce
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart standing naked and wet as she holds a detachable shower head and a guy opens the door, interrupting her. We see her right breast as well as her bare butt. From L'amour en douce.
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Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart reclining topless in a bath tub, her breasts visible through the clear water as she smokes a cigarette. Hi-res DVD capture from Strayed (AKA Les égarés).
Les enfants du désordre
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart fully nude as she is examined and has a cavity search, a woman looking in her mouth and even having Emmanuelle bend over for a view from the rear. Finally Emmanuelle shows her bush when she puts on a shirt over her head. From Les enfants du désordre.
0:34 - 4.39 MB - 654x406 px May 15th, 2021 @ 10:54 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Les enfants du desordre - 1.mp4
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart showing full nudity as she walks naked into a room, showing breasts and bush as she turns to face a bed, flashing a bit of butt as well when she turns to get under the covers. From L'enfer (AKA Hell).
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Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart straddling a guy in his lap as she comes onto him, trying to kiss him and then pulling her bra down to expose her left nipple as she places his hand on her breast. She then takes his hand and reaches it up her skirt before he eventually stops her. From L'enfer.
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Les enfants du désordre
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting on a bench naked with her bare breasts in view. From Les enfants du désordre.
0:08 - 0.65 MB - 654x406 px May 15th, 2021 @ 10:51 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Les enfants du desordre - 2.mp4
The Witnesses
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting up in bed naked, showing her right breast a couple times as we see her from behind. Hi-res DVD capture from The Witnesses.
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Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart wearing a purple towel wrapped around her with her skin still glistening after a shower. She approaches a guy and they make out before she opens up the towel for a brief full-frontal view as she leaves the apartment. She then wraps up again and does a sexy dance as the guy leaves. From Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator (AKA À gauche en sortant de l'ascenseur).
0:57 - 6.72 MB - 720x304 px July 22nd, 2024 @ 12:16 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator - 1.mp4
The Voyage of Captain Fracassa
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart sitting against some bales of hay while naked, showing both breasts as a guy lies next to her and rests his head in her lap. From The Voyage of Captain Fracassa (AKA Il viaggio di Capitan Fracassa).
0:35 - 32.85 MB - 1792x1080 px May 11th, 2017 @ 10:21 am Emmanuelle Beart - The Voyage of Captain Fracassa - 1.mp4
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The Voyage of Captain Fracassa
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart topless beside a bed as she shows both breasts while putting on a white top. From The Voyage of Captain Fracassa.
0:19 - 17.77 MB - 1792x1080 px May 11th, 2017 @ 10:18 am Emmanuelle Beart - The Voyage of Captain Fracassa - 2.mp4
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Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart in a bra and panties as she stands in a bathroom adn sits down on the edge of the bath tub. She shows cleavage and reaches back to unhook her bra as a guy watches, but she stops before getting undressed and stands up and walks with him into another room. There we see her hugging him before returning to the bathroom, still in her underwear. From L'enfer (AKA Hell).
Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart wearing a pair of panties and a sheer camisole that shows her breasts underneath as she walks around an apartment and then steps out into a hallway holding a briefcase. She then chats with a guy for a bit before following him out onto a balcony. Lastly, we see her with a robe over her shoulders. From Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator.
1:33 - 13.63 MB - 720x304 px July 22nd, 2024 @ 12:15 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator - 2.mp4
Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart talking on a phone while in a bubble bath, her left breast and nipple coming into view when she leans over a bit before putting the phone away and talking to a guy who walks into the bathroom. From Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles.
0:34 - 11.78 MB - 1280x688 px January 5th, 2015 @ 2:21 pm Emmanuelle Beart - Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles.mp4
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