Pam Grier in Coffy
Pam Grier
Pam Grier wearing a loose fitting black dress with white polka dots as she tries to get a guy's pants off with her breasts and nipple hanging out of her dress all as a guy watches from another room while doing drugs. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier seen through a fish tank walking across a room nude giving us a look at her ass and her left breast from the side before sitting down at a guy's feet and then pouring champagne on him and starting to go down on him. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier lying on the ground as some thieves rip open her white dress and white bra to reveal her large breasts as they jiggle back and forth while she rolls around. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier unzipping her orange body suit and then removing it to reveal her ass and the side of her breast before she turns around and takes off her necklace giving us a good look at her large breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier bending over going through a bag in the dark with her right breast hanging out of her white dress before she finishes what she's doing and stands up while putting her breast back in her dress. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier sitting on a chair in a white dress as Linda Haynes and several other women at a party run their hands over her and lower her dress revealing quite a bit of Pam's large right breast as Pam gets up and leaves. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Pam Grier
Pam Grier being grabbed and pulled backwards in slow motion by Lisa Farringer and having her left nipple pop out of her white dress in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Lisa Farringer in Coffy
Lisa Farringer
Lisa Farringer lying nude on her stomach giving us some looks at her ass and her breasts as Leslie McRae tends to her back while wearing a black bra and panties before Lisa gets up and gives Leslie a brief kiss giving us a better look at her breasts and then standing in a see-through dress when Pam Grier and a guy walk in all as Bebe Louie (credited as Bebe Louis), Peaches Jones and Marilyn Joi watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
1:27 - 21.07 MB - 640x384 px September 11th, 2009 @ 12:22 pm LisaFarringer,LeslieMcRae,BebeLouie,PamGrier,[email protected]
Lisa Farringer
Lisa Farringer having her white top ripped off in slow motion by Pam Grier to reveal her breasts and then having them jiggle around a bit before she flips over onto her stomach. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.

Peaches Jones in Coffy
Peaches Jones
Peaches Jones having her red bodysuit ripped open in slow motion by Pam Grier revealing her breasts before she slides down to the ground all while at a party. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.

Marilyn Joi in Coffy
Marilyn Joi
Marilyn Joi having her green dress ripped off by Pam Grier at a party to reveal her breasts and then being slapped across the face a couple of times before she falls backwards into a crowd of people and tries to cover herself. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Unknown in Coffy
An unknown woman having her red dress ripped open by a guy to reveal her right breast and then being threatened by him with a knife until finally he leaves. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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An unknown woman dancing topless and in black thong panties above a restaurant table as some guys talk before Pam Grier joins then and talks for a bit all while the women continue to dance. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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