from Diary of Seduction (2002)
Diary of Seduction (2002)
Wendy Rice
Wendy Rice slowly removing her police officer's uniform and white thong panties to reveal her fully nude body and then standing with her leg over a guy's shoulder as he goes down on her until finally she climbs on top of him on the bed and they have sex while she rides him all as Nicole Sheridan watches from the other side of the room and plays with her breasts and rubs herself with her hand down her panties. Hi-res DVD capture from Diary of Seduction.
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Diary of Seduction (2002)
Kaylynn fully nude sitting on a guy's back as she gives him a massage and rubs her body against his all while they talk with each other. Hi-res DVD capture from Diary of Seduction.
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from Entourage (2004)
Entourage (2004)
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Emmanuelle Chriqui braless and in an orange dress with hard nipples as she walks up to a house and then goes in with a guy and walks around the room while talking to him until finally she lets him out. Hi-res DVD capture from Entourage.
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from Le jupon rouge (1987)
Le jupon rouge (1987)
Guillemette Grobon
Guillemette Grobon kneeling on the ground on all fours while topless and in a skirt as she tries to dry her hair with a fan. Hi-res DVD capture from Le jupon rouge (AKA Manuela's Loves).
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Le jupon rouge (1987)
Guillemette Grobon
Guillemette Grobon sitting topless on a bed playing chess with Marie-Christine Barrault and giving us a long look at the side of her left breast until Marie-Christine reaches over and starts squeezing Guillemette's shoulder giving us a better look at her breast. Hi-res DVD capture from Le jupon rouge.
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Le jupon rouge (1987)
Marie-Christine Barrault
Marie-Christine Barrault seen from above getting her shoulders massaged by Guillemette Grobon while sitting in a bubble bath giving us a slight view of her right nipple and then seen from a different angle with a long view of her left nipple until finally she sits up in the bathtub to rinse herself off revealing both of her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Le jupon rouge (AKA Manuela's Loves).
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from Coffy (1973)
Coffy (1973)
Lisa Farringer
Lisa Farringer having her white top ripped off in slow motion by Pam Grier to reveal her breasts and then having them jiggle around a bit before she flips over onto her stomach. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Coffy (1973)
Pam Grier
Pam Grier being grabbed and pulled backwards in slow motion by Lisa Farringer and having her left nipple pop out of her white dress in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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Coffy (1973)
An unknown woman dancing topless and in black thong panties above a restaurant table as some guys talk before Pam Grier joins then and talks for a bit all while the women continue to dance. Hi-res DVD capture from Coffy.
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